Subject: Is your dog so hyper, running around, and you are at your wits end?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community and to you new subscribers.
School started back this week, so new schedule to adjust to and new routines.

The weather is matching here in the Seattle area.  It shifted from warmer to now cooler days.

Are you feeling a shift with adjusting to a new schedule?  Are you feeling a shift with the fall season weather changes?

What you may or may not be noticing, your animals are noticing. Your animals are in tune with changes in you, your home environment and the seasons. 

Some animals may show this as being more lethargic and some may show it as being more hyper and anxious.

If you are a person who has a cat, a dog, a horse that is anxious, hyper, running all over the place, and has a hard time settling down, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, I invite you to please get in touch with me for a gift assessment conversation. 

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Essence
Do you feel the shift from summer into a fall schedule where your children are now back in school?

Are you feeling the shift of the summer season shifting into the fall season?

Do you have a cat, a dog or horse who has recently had an injury or surgery and is now on crate or stall rest? (and your cat/your dog/your horse is really bouncing around on the inside going stir crazy not being able to be active?)

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Transition.

Transition essence supports you and your animals in times when life brings you change. (i.e. Moving to a new home, changing schedule from summer to back-to-school, changing seasons, having a new family member whether 2 or 4-legged, having to rest and recover from injury or surgery when used to being more active.)

Transition was originally created for a horse client who was on stall rest. It helped Seven adjust to the change of having to rest and be in his stall all day instead of being out roaming free in the field like he was used to while he recovered from his injury. It helped him calm and be more content during his healing process.

And since then, Transition has been serving many more people and animals handle changes in life with more ease.

Do you desire Transition for you and your animals to support you with the back to school change and the shift from summer to fall?

I invite you to click Essences

Client Interest for You
Today’s client story is about Rupp.  He lives in Kentucky where college basketball is very popular.  He got his name from Rupp Arena where the Kentucky Wildcats play basketball.  And I have to say going to college there, the basketball games were a big highlight of excitement.  I had the experience of camping out for tickets and scoring 3rd row seats.  Definitely made watching the games much more alive versus being up in nose bleed sections.  And walking around campus with the basketball players who towered over everyone is still very memorable. 

I met Rupp during my Kentucky visit this summer. He is a rescue who currently only listens to Scott.  He is super wound up with energy even after doing a run, ball throwing, and exercise.  He also mouths everything.  Your hands are a chew toy as far as Rupp is concerned.  It made giving him an assessment and session quite challenging.  Even though he had toys I was offering him, which wouldn't stay, he really just wanted something in his mouth so would go for my arms and hands. So Scott held him while I worked with him.

He is so young and he has had an awful beginning. He had been weened from his mother way too young.  The previous owners had him tied up by a swimming pool, and the swimming pool was his only water to drink.  He is lucky Scott has him now and is patient and working with training him. The rest of the family is having a problem with him and his behavior.  He has to get calmer in order to stay with Scott's family.

After clearing out 3 different spots of tight muscles along his spine, he became somewhat calmer.  He had been kicked previously and his ribs behind his shoulder were tender.  I kept focused to support Rupp and then came home and cried.  My heart was hurting for how awful he had been treated and his body showed it and he is a sweet dog.  Scott commented on how after I worked with him, that was the calmest he had ever seen Rupp.  Yay!

One step closer to Rupp staying with Scott and his family.

Useful Tip for You
Tip:  A calming technique I used with Rupp was rubbing the Third Eye

How to use this: 

There is a known acupressure point on the third eye that is very calming.  The easiest way to use this is to gently rub your finger between your cat/your dog's eyes and at the bridge of their nose.  Rub slowly from the bridge of the nose up the face to between your cat/your dog's eyes.

You may notice your animal starting to relax, starting to soften his/her eyes, maybe even starting to get heavy eyes and almost going to sleep.

Your animals will gratefully appreciate you supporting them.
How to take this further...
If your cat, your dog is really hyper and you don’t really know what to do to help him calm down and feel safe, it breaks your heart seeing your animal suffering being so hyper and uncomfortable and your nerves are shot dealing with it, you are frazzled and ready for a change, I invite you to please

Reach out, click here -

We will discuss your issues and concerns and find your next best steps for support and relief for your animal to be more calm, have you be more calm and have your household more harmonious and peaceful.
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Before your concerns, confusion and distress get worse with you regarding your beloved cats, dogs and horses, I invite you to reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Me and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs so you can relax, have support and warm your heart knowing your cat, your dog, your horse is back to feeling good.

Click this link:

Set Up Your Personal Assessment Meeting With Me

my gift to you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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