Subject: Is your cat or dog unsettled, pacing or a rescue? Check out this week's tip for support

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

Photo of Gracie the Beagle Receiving Massage
Welcome to Spring. It officially started in the Northern Hemisphere yesterday. Spring is when animals start waking up from hibernation. Flowers and trees start blooming. We have more daylight, and the weather starts getting warmer.

I shared this fun fact in my last newsletter and now it's closer to the actual date: 

March 23rd is National Puppy Day and Cuddle Kitten Day.

With Spring, your dog and you will be outdoors more. Your cat may be more active and have more energy. 

With more activity and movement, it's good to keep your pet's muscles in good shape. They get aches and pains just like we do when we start having more activity.

Client Story:
Meet Gracie. Gracie is an active Beagle. She runs around the yard chasing squirrels and goes on long walks with her guardian. 

Gracie receives monthly massages to keep her feeling and moving her best.  After all, she is an athlete with all the running and playing she does.

With Gracie's enthusiasm running around, occasionally she tweaks a muscle and starts limping. Her massage sessions help relieve the muscles and the limp and keeps her body in tip-top shape to get her back to her joy of running and playing.

You can have this too with your dog.  In person and virtual massage sessions are available. See details in Private Sessions Available section below.

I am now in the process of enrolling students in my Pet Chakra Balancing Class. It inspired me to share a pet chakra tip with you, since I love empowering you, your pet's guardian, helping your pet feel and be their best.

Exercise for the Week:
Recognize Gracie? 
Gracie is enjoying her healing session (1st and 2nd Chakras)

Pet Chakra 1 Exercise

The importance of the Chakra 1 also called Root Chakra is that is about safety, survival, basic needs, and environment. 

If your pet's first chakra is in balance, they will feel safe and comfortable, eating nutritious food while being in a safe calm environment.

If your pet is unsettled, frightens easily, has been recently adopted into your home, has been rescued, your pet's first chakra is out of balance.

First, pause and get present. An easy way to do this is to take a deep breath in and out.

Gently place your hand on your cat or dog's low back.
Hold it for 30 seconds. 
See if your cat or dog starts to settle.
It's like a muscle, the more you do this, the stronger the chakra will be and the more effective this technique will be.

Interested in learning more?

My latest book: Healthy, Free, and Harmonious: Balancing Your Pet's Chakras is now available. For your copy and to learn more, click here.

Sign up for the upcoming Balancing Your Pet's Chakras Class Series where you and your pet will have bonding time while learning about your pet's chakras and balancing them for a healthy, free, and harmonious pet.
Having fun autographing books
Learning Opportunities
Photo: Cat, Big Boy, Receiving 7th Chakra Balancing

Balancing Your Pet's Chakras Level I Class (zoom)

As a loving pet parent, this 6-part class gives you in-depth guidance on:

  • what are chakras 
  • why you want to know about your pet's chakras
  • your pet's chakras location and details
  • how to assess your pet's chakras if in or out of balance
  • how to balance your pet's chakras
  • understand the relationship of between your and your pet's chakras

When: Tuesdays May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, June 6, June 13              6:00
0-7:20pm Pacific
            (click to find your time zone)

Where: Zoom - in the comfort of your home for you and your pets

Cost: $425 for series

Sign up now: Pet Chakra Balancing Class Level I Registration

Private Sessions Available
Zoom Healing Sessions
Photo: Niles enjoying his zoom healing session

In-person healing sessions (available some Saturdays)
Photo: Zeba posing after her in person massage
Harmony Animal Wellness Center
505 W Main Street
Monroe, WA 98272

Get In Touch
If you have concerns or issues with your pet(s), I invite you to have a 15-20 minute complimentary conversation I like to call Assessment. 

Simply click this link,  Healing Your Animal Assessment
select Assessment, choose time and date that works with your schedule and we will connect. 

Together we will form a plan of support and get you scheduled for zoom or in-person sessions to get your pet back to feeling their best.

Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

I hope you liked learning about chakra 1 for your pet.


If you are ready to have your animal move and feel their best through the winter, I invite you to get in touch with me for your free 15-20 minute Assessment connection call as my gift to you. Together we'll formulate a plan to get massage support for your animal(s) whether virtual massage or in-person massage and have them moving with flexibility and ease.

Click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email, phone number and select the time convenient for you on the calendar.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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