| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers. |
| Spring is so beautiful. I love seeing the fresh flowers in bloom. On my morning nature walk today there was a new species of duck that I had not seen before on the lake. And they were mating. It is fun seeing nature happening and hopefully I’ll get to see their baby ducklings. :-)
| Watching the coots amaze me. They are fascinating to watch. They swim mostly in groups. They all swim very close together and sometimes they form a line like you see in this picture. And when one starts to move, you see the ripple effect of all of them moving together, sometimes in a flurry and at other times smoothly. They really do operate with the understanding of the power of being in a group - working together and growing together. And this is so true for people too. We are community and connection beings. We are not meant to be alone. We are not meant to “go it alone”. Community is about finding the group of like-minded people who will bring out the best in you and are traveling similar paths. And being all you are meant to be; and being with your precious, loving animal companions too.
Find out how a cat communicates with you in my tip section below.
And if community, connection and communicating with your cat, your dog is something you would like to take deeper for yourself and your animals, you can join my Healing Your Animal Group forming now. |
| People & Animal Vibrations |
| | In the spirit of transitioning into spring in the northern hemisphere and the infamous "spring cleaning", the following essences are offered here with a savings to highly support you and your animals. I personally use these essences and I am grateful for their support in keeping my surroundings and myself feeling fresh.
Clients comment how much more energy they have using the Clear essence and how much more open and a part of things (taking a certain weight off their shoulders not being alone) with the Environmental Oneness essence.
Ahh, Clearing and being One with the world...
| | Is your cat or dog more lethargic than normal?
Is your cat or dog hiding more?
Is your cat or dog avoiding you lately?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Clear essence will help your cat and your dog clear their energy fields and clear your environment. What does this mean to you? -- Having your space and your animals more energized and refreshed. And the bonus is you will receive clearing support along with your cat and your dog. Save 25% now, click Animal Essence Sales. |
| | Are you feeling disconnected? Are you feeling alone?
Are you feeling as if “you don’t’ know if you are coming or going”?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions - Good news! There is support!
Environmental Oneness essence will help. It assists in reconnecting you with “All-That-IS” and diffusing any sense of separation. You may have heard that we are all part of a collective. You are part of a whole.
Environmental Oneness supports you in shifting your awareness so you can see and feel this oneness. You feel a part of the whole. You become aware or deepen your awareness of this Truth. You feel connected, worthwhile, a part of life and more alive.
| | There are a few spots left in my upcoming Healing Your Animal Group Program forming now. |
|  | You are invited to join this group of people, you come together, you travel and take this journey over 10 weeks together with this support for you, you receive insights, you receive steps, you receive a different awareness of how you relate between you and your animal.
• to stop living in chaos • to having harmony in your household, reducing hisses, growls and fights • to having your cat using his/her litter box again • to having your dog peeing and pooping outside again • to having a clean, fresh smelling house again • to getting better quality of sleep • to having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life • to understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you • to adding a healing touch when petting your animals
How are we going to do this?
• 8 training calls, • Supporting videos and documents to deepen training • Receive a personal spotlight feature with you and your cat/your dog for greater support and healing • A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get questions answered and stay connected through this 10 week journey
Reserve your spot by midnight Friday March 28th to receive the early bird tuition with 22% savings.
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The last few weeks I have shared about my cat client, Moonbeam, who is very sensitive to energy. She lives with another cat, Mickey, who is in the photo.
Some of Moonbeam’s symptoms when energy needs to be clear in her environment (including her guardian, Wendy) are hiding behind the refrigerator, not sleeping with Wendy, and pooping outside the litter box.
Wendy had tried everything, taking Moonbeam to the vet, acupuncture, reiki, working with multiple powerful healers, and Moonbeam’s issues kept coming back. Wendy had been dealing with this for years before she found me. She was heart-broken because Moonbeam just wasn’t getting better and frustrated that she was taking action, seeking and providing good care, and didn’t know what else to do to help Moonbeam get back to her bouncy, playful self.
Here is where Mickey comes in. Mickey is the overseer of the house. She took on this role herself and was doing all she could to help Moonbeam feel better and help Wendy. As a way of helping Moonbeam and Wendy, the situation was more than she could take on and clear. And it took a toll on her body. Mickey was on death’s door and is now called the miracle kitty at her vets. It was such an honor to support Mickey with her healing process through this. Because of not being able to see, feel or experience the energy that Mickey and Moonbeam were feeling, Wendy was truly resistant to clearing. Wendy is now taking the steps to clear on a regular basis and is seeing the difference in Moonbeam and Mickey.
This new support has actually helped Wendy and Moonbeam have an even deeper connection together. Wendy recognizes that Moonbeam is helping her raise her consciousness. Wendy is feeling much better knowing how to help Moonbeam feel her best, seeing her reward that Moonbeam is playful again, is out from behind the refrigerator and on her favorite spot again, is pooping in her litter box and they are having quality bonding, petting, and connection time together.
Wendy is very thankful, I helped support Mickey coming back to life from death’s door. And she thanks me with great heart-warming gratitude for helping her get Moonbeam to feeling much more playful, purring again and living her best life. |
| | Cats use many different sounds when communicating, purrs, chirps, and screech. They use one particular sound when communicating with humans.
Tip: Cats meow when communicating with humans. The meow has one of 4 meanings:
1. I’m hungry 2. I want to go outside 3. I want attention 4. Help!
Start paying closer attention to your cat’s meow to see if you can distinquish what he/she is telling you. |
| How to take this further... |
| If you are a person who wants to have clearer communication and understand what your precious cat and wonderful dog are already so desperately trying to tell you, you are ready for your cats and your dogs to stop the excessive hissing and growling with each other, get along with peace and harmony, have peeing and pooping not be on your floors, messing and smelling up your house, it goes in the litter box and outside where it belongs, make sure you reserve your spot in the now forming Healing Your Animal Group.
Reserve your spot by midnight Friday March 28th to receive the early bird tuition with 22% savings. |
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians be as happy as possible!
| Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S. Before another day goes by that you are yearning for deeper communication with and doing all you can to help your cat and your dog feel and be their best, take action to have this. Join this group of like-minded animal loving people, coming together, learning together, supporting each other and having more than you could ever dream of heart connection with your loving cat and your precious dog.
Reserve your spot by midnight Friday March 28th to receive the early bird tuition with 22% savings. |
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