| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers. |
| My birthday is tomorrow and I have already been receiving gifts. It is so fun to have a birthday week instead of one birthday day. Here are beautiful flowers I received. Birthdays are about celebrating life. They are about celebrating the joy of someone being born into this world.
Another part of life is death of the physical body. I say physical body, because it is a transition from the physical body into the spiritual body. The soul still exists.
If you are a person who has a cat, a dog nearing his/her time of transitioning, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
| People & Animal Vibrations |
| | In the spirit of spring and more "Light" coming in... |
| | Do you have a new member of your household?
Are all of your animals getting along?
Is there chaos, things not going smoothly with your animals? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Family.
Family essence supports harmony among all family members. It was originally created for a friend who was going to visit her family for 5 weeks and wanted strong support. The intentions and formulation with family is that when sprayed it promotes a deep sense of love and connection as a healthy family unit. It dispels any negativity, so that harmony can exist.
My friend was so excited how well it worked for her family visit. She was so happy to have had a more relaxing and peaceful visit than ever before.
Animals respond to Family as well. A person who brought home her new baby girl and sat her in the living room floor to meet her animals wrote in and said she was amazed that her cat who never came out even came out and joined the family and jumped in her lap for affection. She was amazed.
| | Do you have a dog who barks every time the doorbell rings?
Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, cannot sit still? Do you have a cat who startles easily?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Serene essence is your friend.
Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life.
Here what one client has to say..
"In addition to being an animal massage practitioner, Vicki makes and sells vibrational essences which we have great success with. Sanjah Anna, our 4-year-old German Shepherd, is excessively ecstatic in the way she greets company (jumping, barking, urinating). Vicki experienced this behavior when she came to do a session with our older Shepherd, Nike. Vicki brought the Serene mist on her next visit and sprayed Sanjah. Within SECONDS Sanjah calmed down! My mouth dropped open. We've been using Serene ever since for Sanjah. This opened our eyes and we are now using the mists ourselves."
Jocelyn Paluch Spokane, WA |
| |  | Today’s client story is about Satchit Ananda. Sweet, sweet Satchit. I have had the honor of supporting Satchit have quality and quantity of life with his wonderful guardians.
Last August, Satchit was at the vet and not expected to live. Supporting Satchit, he turned around and lived another 10 quality months of purring, laptime and playing with his favorite toy. This was such a bonus to his guardians to have this extra time with Satchit.
Now it is time for Satchit to transition for real. It is his time.
I am celebrating Satchit and all of the wonderful memories of joy he brought to his people, to all who met him and to me.
Animals know that I am an animal person and I understand them and I connect with who they are. I love their free spirit of being who they truly are at all times. There is no worry from them. It is clearly, “this is who I am”, they are comfortable being themselves. Actually there is no other way for them to be anything else or try to be anything else. So refreshing.
Satchit was a distance client. I live in Seattle and he lives in New York City. We had an energetic connection and relationship. He knew to come to me when he needed extra assistance. He came knocking on my energetic door waking me up at 5:30am one Thanksgiving because his guardians were out of town and he was having trouble missing them and Black Friday, the Thanksgiving parade and all of that energy was building in New York City. I was able to support him and settle him down.
And Satchit in my presence would act in ways he didn’t act with other people. He would get on the nicely set dining table and walk across it. I was laughing; his guardian was embarrassed that he was doing this. He would come out and lie in the sun near me while I was in my meeting with his guardian while with others he tended to stay back in the bedroom. I so appreciated him coming out to be with me/us.
So now that Satchit is transitioning, not only are his guardians grieving, I am too. My clients are like family to me. I have a separate grieving process, so that I am 100% available to my clients to support them through what they are going through. And then I process it myself.
This is a part of life and having people and animals you love, outliving them and watching them die is a part of it. It isn’t easy. However, it is life.
So we focus on the celebrations, the love and the joy, the relationship we had and the love in our hearts of our connection that we have/had together. That lives on forever.
I am celebrating Satchit and all his wonderfulness and to all of the people and hearts his life had an impact on while he was here with us.
You hold a special place in my heart, I love you Satchit!
| | Tip: Love on your cat, your dog when it is their time to transition How to use this:
Sit with your cat, your dog and really be there with them. Allow a true connection free of distractions with your beloved animal. Talk to them about all of the joys and fun you have had together and how happy you have been with them and what having them in your life has meant. Even if you have tears streaming down your face the whole time. Your cat, your dog will feel your love and that means a lot to them. |
| How to take this further... |
| If your cat, your dog is sick, aging, may be nearing his time to transitioning into death of his physical body, and you don’t really know what to do, you’re confused is it really time for him to go, you don’t want to put him down too early yet his body is getting weaker and you are distressed witnessing your animal not do his normal eating/drinking, you wish you knew what he was thinking, what he is desiring, what he would want you to do..
Reach out, click here -
and we’ll discuss your issues and concerns and find your next best steps for your specific needs.
Allowing you to help your cat, your dog quit suffering and back to feeling good as your heart desires. |
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
| Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S. Before your concerns, confusion and distress get worse with you regarding your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs so you can relax, have support and warm your heart knowing your cat, your dog is back to feeling good.
Click this link:
Set Up Your Personal Assessment Meeting With Vicki
my gift to you. |
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