Subject: Is Christmas really over? Open and find out...

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

Christmas is now over for most people.  And you may be saying now what?  Are you preparing for New Years with your 2015 resolutions, goals and plans?

For me Christmas is still going.  I spent a nice day with my mom and sister yesterday.  It has now been 3 Christmases since my dad transitioned and I still really miss him.  He was with us in spirit.

Miranda is coming tonight from spending Christmas with her father.  So we are opening gifts and celebrating Christmas on the 27th morning with Christmas brunch.  Sort of like when birthday celebrations get extended, Christmas is getting extended this year over multiple days.

How did your cat/your dog behave over Christmas? Any fun tales?  

My sister's dog, Bess, got into the gifts under the Christmas tree while we were at Christmas Eve service.  She had one pulled out to the center of the room and one was unwrapped by the time we got home.

I invite you to share your fun animal Christmas stories with me - email  I love hearing them.

If you have any concerns with your cat/your dog' behavior or health, I invite you to get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment, my gift to you.  Click this link:

Healing Your Animal Assessment

Featured Essences
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Client Interest for You!
Today’s client story is about Rupp. 

This summer I shared, he lives in Kentucky where college basketball is very popular. He got his name from Rupp Arena where the Kentucky Wildcats play basketball. And I have to say going to college there, the basketball games were a big highlight of excitement. I had the experience of camping out for tickets and scoring 3rd row seats. Definitely made watching the games much more alive versus being up in nose bleed sections. And walking around campus with the basketball players who towered over everyone is still very memorable.

I met Rupp during my Kentucky visit this summer. He is a rescue who currently only listens to Scott. He is super wound up with energy even after doing a run, ball throwing, and exercise. He also mouths everything. Your hands are a chew toy as far as Rupp is concerned. It made giving him an assessment and session quite challenging. Even though he had toys I was offering him, which wouldn't stay, he really just wanted something in his mouth so would go for my arms and hands. So Scott held him while I worked with him.

He is so young and he has had an awful beginning. He had been weened from his mother way too young. The previous owners had him tied up by a swimming pool, and the swimming pool was his only water to drink. He is lucky Scott has him now and is patient and working with training him. The rest of the family is having a problem with him and his behavior. He has to get calmer in order to stay with Scott's family.

After clearing out 3 different spots of tight muscles along his spine, he became somewhat calmer. He had been kicked previously and his ribs behind his shoulder were tender. I kept focused to support Rupp and then came home and cried. My heart was hurting for how awful he had been treated and his body showed it and he is a sweet dog. Scott commented on how after I worked with him, that was the calmest he had ever seen Rupp. Yay!

One step closer to Rupp staying with Scott and his family.

This week's update:
I saw Rupp this week and I am happy to report he is a much calmer puppy!  He still has a home with Scott and is a part of the family. Whew, since that was in jeopardy before.  When feeling and checking out his back, I was able to do this on my own (a huge contrast to the summer) and his session held.  His back muscles were in good shape, he was not sensitive to me touching him.  And it clearly showed in his behavior.  So awesome to see Rupp flourishing.
Useful Tip for You!
Our cats and dogs are affected by our moods and lives.

Recently I shared this with you, the best thing you for do this holiday season is to stay relaxed and minimize stress.

It showed up with my sister's dog this week, so it bears mentioning it again.

Bess started barking out of control as stress was building getting Christmas breakfast together. So much so, that I asked my sister to put Bess away in the other room. (this did not make my sister happy who wants her to stay out with us no matter what) It was important to have Christmas breakfast in peace.

Let me take a moment here to let you in on something... even though I understand animals and can support them, it takes the guardians, like you, being on board and willing to take action to help your animal.

My sister has an out of control barking dog at meal time and other behavior issues with Bess. This is hard for me to witness when I know I can help. My sister chooses not to listen to my experience and expertise and put them into practice. I accept this and when she is ready, I am here for her.

Does she love Bess? Absolutely.
Does she take good care of Bess? Absolutely
Is there something she can do to help Bess? Absolutely

There is another layer that could really make a difference for both of them being happier and more harmonious.

Later that day when we sat down to have Christmas dinner, we were all calmer and Bess was quiet as we ate dinner. My sister did observe this and commented. I shared that was because we were all calmer. She was able to take in this information. A step forward for them...

So for your support...

What is a great, simple thing you can do anywhere that will benefit you and your animals that you always have access to?


A few deep breaths go a long way in reducing blood-pressure and stress in you. This in turn calms your animals.

The calmer you are, the calmer your animals will be.

Are you ready for another step?  I am here for you.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat, dog and bunny are happy, content and healthy and you are ready to do all you can as a responsible, loving pet guardian for them, it is never too late to begin. I invite you to get in touch with me for a private conversation I like to call Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

We will explore and assess how we can make sure you are giving your best care with cats and dogs. 

I invite you to reach out and click this link below 

Healing Your Animal Assessment

A member of my team will reach out and set up a conversation at a time convenient for you. 

We will determine the next best steps for your specific needs. And we will tailor a wellness plan for you to have your best life and time together with your cats and dogs.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!

Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, I invite you to reach out HERE to set up your Healing Your Animal Assessment and share what is going on with you and your animals: 

and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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