Subject: If you are a dog lover, you will want to see this…

Hello Dog Lovers!

As the holidays approach, I cannot think of a better time to think about your loving dog companions and how much joy they bring to your life. Also with the holidays comes entertaining, traveling and desiring your dogs to be on their best behavior. You may be starting to figure out how to get your dog to quit messing in the house so you can keep it clean for the holidays. You may be wondering if you really can have your dog calm and mellow around guests instead of jumping up on people. As you are thinking about this, you may realize that you would love this great new behavior rolling into the New Year, 2013, with more peace, joy and harmony.

  • Is your dog a wonderful, loving member of your family?
  • Do you desire to keep your dog healthy, feeling great and being around with you as long as possible?
  • Is your dog moving more slowly and acting stiffer with the onset of the cooler weather?
  • Do you have multiple dogs that are not playing nicely with each other?
  • Is your dog barking more than normal, disturbing you at home and possibly your neighbors?
  • Is your dog peeing in inappropriate places messing up your house with no apparent physical reason?
The good news is there is a solution and support! 

I have 5 open spots in my calendar for a powerful Get-To-Know session where we can meet and discuss your current issues and concerns with your dog. I would love to hear all about your dog barking, peeing in your house and what is going on with your dog and driving you nuts. My goal is to see how to best support you in achieving a quieter, more serene, peaceful home with lots of play and laughs. 
All you have to do is click on this link:, fill out your contact information (Name, email), and click submit by Friday. We will set up a time to talk that works with your schedule. This will change your life.

I have programs designed to help your dog look, feel and behave even better than now. You might be saying to yourself, my dog looks great, is healthy, and behaves like a normal dog, so this doesn't apply to me. I am here to let you know that yes it does apply to you. Your dog can look even better, be healthier and behave more like his or her authentic, happy self even when they “seem” to be feeling good.

Why am I so sure of this? Well, you are human and have things going on all of the time. Your dog lives with you, loves you and wants to help you when you are stressed, sad, or sick and you don’t even realize it is happening. Your dog hides it and can clear it a lot of time; however, your dog cannot clear it all on its own all of the time. How do I know? My own cats and dogs I have had throughout my life have done this for me even when I told them not to. I have also seen numerous times with the many animals I help.

If you are like me, you love your dog like one of the family and want him/her to be around and healthy as long as possible. You cherish your companionship.

I have created programs for you to have this with your dog too. These programs are designed to help your dog live his/her best life and be with you as long as possible. My desire is for you to have and experience your dog’s highest possible love while you are together.

If you are interested in having more quality, loving, bonding time with your dog, I have made available 5 openings in my schedule to talk with you to see if you and your dog would benefit from what I have to offer.

Reserve your spot by Friday, click on this link:, fill out your contact information, and click submit. We will set up a time to talk. Many animals have been helped with my proven healing processes and your dog can benefit too.

I look forward to talking with you about your dog's issues to have more harmonious, loving quality bonding time between you.

p.s. Cats are welcome! This does apply to their lives, health and behavior too.
“When I first came to Vicki, my dog, Baxter was stressed out, chewing up the living room rug, going to the bathroom in the house and jumping up on people as they entered the house. I was stressed with all of this going on.

After working with Vicki, there has been a dramatic shift in Baxter. People are noticing the changes and he even looks different. Baxter is much calmer and happier. It’s like the weight of the world has been taken off of his shoulders. He isn’t chewing the rug, going to the bathroom in the house and he isn’t jumping on people anymore.

I knew the energy work worked for me, but I was amazed to see how it worked for my dog, Baxter.

I can’t express my gratitude enough. You really changed his puppy life and ours.

Thank you so much!”
Carson Tate, Charlotte, NC

FYI, there are 5 spots left, so click on this link now:, fill out your contact information, and click submit to get in on this life changing invitation. I look forward to talking with you.

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232