Subject: I invite you to Grounding for your cats and dogs!

Hello Friend,

Healing Vibrations to you! 

A few days ago, I sent you an invitation to join me as we talk about Grounding.

Grounding is something that is very important and everyday I learn more and more how important this topic is. 

It is always great to continue walking my talk to improve my offerings to you, my valued community.  My desire is for you and your beloved animals having optimum health and harmony.  

I invite you to join me in this powerful teleclass:

Topic:  Grounding for You and Your Animals

When:  August 27th
Where: In the comfort of your home on the telephone/computer 
Time:   10:00am Pacific
Investment:  $$FREE$$

Here is what you need to do to reserve your spot, click on this link:

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

Now, you may be saying…

What is grounding?

Really, grounding for my animals?

How do I know if my cat, my dog needs grounding?

Grounding is a term used to have your feet solidly on the ground. 

With animals, you will notice your cat, your dog:
  • anxious pretty much all of the time, 
  • will be unsettled
  • will have a hard time settling
  • will by hyper
  • always at your feet
  • jumping, pacing, barking a lot
These are some good indicators your animal would benefit with grounding.

Sign up to learn more:

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

Do you have friends with animals?  I highly recommend you invite them to join in on this important topic so they can benefit along with their animals too.

Here is the link to send to your friends for them to reserve their spot: 

enter your name and email and you will be sent the dial in info.

I look forward to being with you, your friends and your animals on the call!
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Since you are an animal loving person and you are interested in doing all you can to take good care of your cats and dogs, you will greatly benefit with this powerful informational teleclass for you and your loving cats and dogs. This class is my gift to you
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.