Happy St. Patty's Day!
The Kirkland cow and coyote statue is decorated and celebrating. On Saturday there was a race happening while I was out on my walk. There were a lot of people with green hair, tutus and fun costumes starting off the race in the rain (yes, I live near Seattle :-)).
There are a lot of health enthusiasts in this area which is good to be a part of.
Being an animal lover, I know you care about your animal's health. And sometimes it isn't easy, especially when something is going on and you aren't sure what to do about it. This can be a really scary feeling.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just last week, I was supporting a puppy, Brulee, who the guardian sensed something was wrong. She took Brulee to the vet where the vet didn't find anything wrong from western medicine perspective. Yet her guardian still sensed something was not right with Brulee. When I worked with her, it was clear from the energy and physical perspective, Brulee was not feeling well. Her energy systems were sluggish and out of balance. After her session, Brulee was much more active, more balanced and feeling better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do you have a cat, dog or horse that you feel isn't up to their normal self? Part of you is worried, the other part is in denial wondering if you are imagining it?
In order to serve you, I have made room in my schedule for five (5) gift Healing Your Animal Assessments. With the Healing Your Animal Assessment, we connect and discuss your issues and concerns with what is going on with you and your animal at this time. Together we’ll determine your best plan of support and if what I have to offer is a good fit helping your animal on his/her path of healing.
Are you ready to take action to support your animal feeling better?
I invite you to reach out and register for a Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you. Click this link:
Simply fill in your name, email and phone number and someone from my team will reach out in the next couple of days to schedule our connection sometime in the next two weeks. |