We are in the midst of the corona virus pandemic, the market falling, social distancing, being more home based, and concerned for our health and our loved ones. Our pets are sensitive to the energies of not only our home environments, they are feeling the global fears and unsettledness as well.
I have been having my own unsettledness and being an empath it was compounded by many others being unsettled. I kept doing my practice of grounding and centering in love. It finally shifted back to where I am feeling more peaceful and loving vs fearful and unsettled no matter what is going on in my life or in the world.
I chose the hummingbird photo since hummingbirds represent joy and they have been showing themselves to me lately reminding me to be in joy. I'm sharing their message with you.
You may be more tense than normal and having shorter fuses with your loved ones and pets. I witnessed some of this on my nature walk today with a man yelling at his dog.
Your pets may be acting out, getting into more mischief with behaviors you don't like as a way to process all this fear and anxiety in the world.
It's important to remember to give your pets positive attention and help them calm and feel safe too.
And if you or your pet need support with being more grounded and calm, being in love versus fear, I invite you and your pet to benefit with a virtual, distance healing session.
Be sure to check out virtual learning opportunities below to help your pet with health, connection and calm.