Subject: Have you seen this yet?

Have you seen this yet?

Hello Cat and Dog Lovers!

If you are anything like me, I know you are busy with a lot of things going on right now. And if you are anything like me, you truly love your cat and dog and would do anything to help them live their best and take good care of him/her. Since this is important, I have to share this with you. It has made a huge difference in my cat's life and the many lives of animals I have supported over the years.

This is the last day to reserve your special spot - my last remaining spot to find out more about great cat care that will change your cat's life.

  • Do you treat your cat as a wonderful, loving member of your family?
  • Do you love your cat and desire to keep him/her healthy, feeling great and being around with you as long as possible?
  • Is your cat meowing more than normal, being more lethargic or throwing up with no apparent physical explanation? 

The good news is there is an answer and support available. I have 1 last remaining slot open in my calendar and would like to talk with you. It is very simple. Click this link:, you simply fill out a form for our connection with what issues and concerns you are currently experiencing, send it in and we'll set up a time to talk in the next few weeks that works well with your schedule. This will change your life.

I have new programs designed to help your cat look, feel and behave even better than now. You might be saying to yourself, my cat looks great, is healthy, and behaves like a normal cat, so this doesn’t apply to me. I am here to let you know that yes it does apply to you. Your cat can look even better, be healthier and behave more like his or her authentic, happy self even when he/she seems to be feeling good.

Why am I so sure of this? Well, you are human and have things going on all of the time. Your cat lives with you, loves you and wants to help you when you are stressed, sad, or sick and you don’t even realize it. Your cat hides it and can clear it a lot of the time; however, your cat cannot clear it all on its own all of the time. How do I know? My own cat does this for me even when I tell her not to. And, I see this with all of the animals I help.

I loved my cat and wanted her around and healthy as long as possible. It worked. She lived to be over 19 years old! 
I have created new programs for you to share this with your cat too. The programs are designed to help your cat live his/her best life and be with you as long as possible with quality of life. I want you to have and experience your cat’s highest possible love while you are together.

If you are interested in having more quality, loving, bonding time with your cat, I have 1 remaining slot available to talk with you to see if you and your cat would benefit from what I have to offer. You know this is right for you.

Reserve your special spot to have a complimentary conversation by clicking this link:
and we'll set up a time to talk that works with your schedule. Many animals have been helped with my proven healing processes and your cat can benefit too.

I look forward to talking with you about your cat's issues for more harmonious, loving quality bonding time between you.
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
p.s. Dogs are welcome! This does apply to their lives, health and behavior too.

p.p.s. FYI, there is one remaining spot left for you, click 

You will be glad you did get in on this life changing invitation. I look forward to talking with you.