Subject: Have you been searching for your Yoda?

Vicki Draper Featured Guest For You!

Welcome to my new subscribers!

I am dedicated to personal and spiritual growth. I am also dedicated to providing you and your animals with my highest healing support.

Each month I feature a guest that I feel will help those of you and your animals in my community.

I know that many of you find yourselves in a rut from time to time. We all do actually, it is quite natural. However, when hitting that rut turns into becoming completely stuck where you are and never moving forward towards the dreams & purpose you have in life - help is needed.

Have you ever found yourself looking for a teacher, someone to guide you through the obstacles in your life to the greatest possible you ever? Yes? Have you been searching for your Yoda? You know, that presence that gives a steady, calming, inspirational force in your life... the guidance that can tell you that everything is going to be okay when you believe it least. If you've ever been searching for YOUR Yoda or just needing that extra push out of a rut, then I have to share this with you!

My colleague and friend, Amanda Maynard, The Inner Guidance Coach, is offering a no cost call to give you the first 3 steps you MUST take in order to bring this kind of teacher into your life. Matter of fact, Amanda experienced this in her own life, moving from stuck to full blown "in her purpose", experiencing prosperity and fulfillment by doing these same 3 steps for herself (little did she know then how it would change everything).

She brought a teacher into her own life that helped her transform her life. Amanda wants you to know that you can do the same IF you become aware of and implement the 3 steps she is going to share on her no cost call, "Searching for Yoda."
“You will find only what you bring in”  Master Yoda
It’s true, you have to bring in this steady, calming, inspirational force – how would it feel to have that in your life every single day?
Would it help you if Amanda could show you how to:
  • Recognize your Yoda when he/she showed up?
  • Discover how to know whether you are blocking your own ability to see your Yoda and how to clear this block?
  • Learn 3 easy steps to get you started in finding Yoda?
If any of this sounds like it could help move you forward in your life then join Amanda on her no cost call, Searching for Yoda.  Just click on the register link below.

Save my seat on the Searching for Yoda Call!

Many people wait for “the” teacher to show up in their lives, forgetting that “allowing” that teacher to show up and “bringing in” that presence requires action on their part.  They spend their whole lives waiting with little to show for it.  Don’t let this be you!  Amanda has important steps to share with you on this call that could change your life forever.
"Already, know you that which you need"  Master Yoda
It’s true – you know what you need, you know if this is your chance, your moment to change everything.  If so, Join Amanda Now:

I want to be on Amanda's Call, Searching for Yoda!

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
P.S. Amanda always delivers high value content and often gives unplanned bonuses for those on the call live.  Time permitting, she will also open up the call for live questions & answers – so block out the time if you can and be there live!

P.P.S.  Click on REGISTER ME NOW, so you don’t forget.  The call costs nothing, but the content is worth more than you can imagine.  Missing it might mean missing that one step, one bit of wisdom that changes everything!