Subject: Grounding is not woo woo, open to discover why

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

I hear this a lot that what I do is woo woo.

Grounding is not woo woo.

People use the term woo woo when they don’t understand.

I taught 8th graders about grounding last week.  We did a grounding exercise so they could experience it first hand.  I also taught them the science behind grounding.

The science definition of grounding is:
Grounding is the process of removing the excess charge on an object by means of the transfer of electrons between it and another object of substantial size.
In this case, you are the object with excess charge (anxiety, stress, hyperactivity) transferring these electrons to the Earth which is the object of substantial size.
Interestingly, the children determined practical uses when grounding would be helpful to them:

  • when the teacher announces a pop quiz
  • when they forgot to do their homework which was due that day
  • when they realized there was a test they forgot to study for

The 8th graders also shared their dog’s behaviors that might indicate they were not grounded.  

  • Their dog was spinning around in circles
  • Their dog was barking a lot
  • Their dog was jumping a lot

They got it! They understood!  

One of the students wrote a thank you note to Candy, the demo dog and ambassador:

To: Candy
Thank you for being here and having the chance to pet you.  You are a very sweet and legendary dog.
From: <student’s name to remain anonymous>

So touching.

I’m sharing the grounding exercise I did with the 8th graders who found it very helpful.

The more grounded you are, the calmer your pet will be.

Exercise for the Week:
  • Stand up with your feet hip width apart.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Pretend you are a tree.
  • Your body and legs are the trunk of the tree.
  • Imagine you have big roots coming out of the soles of your feet.
  • The roots go through the floor, through the top of the earth and deep into the Earth.
  • Allow anything you are worried about to flow down your legs, into your roots and out into the Earth.

Essence Support
Show Me! Essence

Now that you have set intentions and goals for 2020, use the Show Me! essence to support keeping you on track:

How to Claim Your Whole Space into your GREATEST Self Aligned with Your Direction and Highest Truth!

For additional information including an Eagle's input:

Manifesting Wealth Now! Package 
consists of 5 - 1oz and 2oz  size essences for a great way to assist with growing prosperously!

Clear, Alignment, Grounded While Soaring, Manifest, Wealth

Every one who has set financial growth goals can benefit.

Get more information and here is where you can get yours (save 10%), click:  

Learning Opportunities
Switch from Petting Your Pet to Massaging Your Pet

Basic Animal Massage Class
In Basic Animal Massage class, you learn the basic strokes of animal massage and take a home a 10 minute maintenance massage routine to do with your beloved cats and dogs. (the techniques apply for pet bunnies and small furry pets)

When: Saturday, January 25th, 2020
10:30am - 12:30pm

Where: Natural Pet Pantry 
10600 NE 68th Street Ste D
Kirkland, WA 98033

Cost: $97

Class size is limited!  Click to Register

*You will receive more details through email after registering

Wellness Care for You and Your Pets
Holidays are over.  You have settled into the New Year.  Here's your chance to focus on Boosting Wellness for both you and your pet. In this class you will receive 3 simple, natural, proven healing techniques to easily incorporate into your daily life promoting wellness.  Don't wait for something to happen, Start now with preventative care for you and your pet.

When:  Saturday, January 25th, 2020
                  2:00 - 3:00pm

Where: All The Best Pet Care Wallingford
             3830 Stone Way North
             Seattle, WA 98103

Investment: $FREE

Call 206-547-0366 to Register

When: Saturday, December 28th, 2019
11:00am - 12:00pm

Where: All The Best Pet Care 
3830 Stone Way N
Seattle, WA 98103 United States

Cost: $FREE

Class size is limited! Call All The Best 206-547-0366 to reserve your spot.

*Your well-behaved dog is invited to join you.

The Healing Power of Love for You and Your Pet
Love is a pure, high vibration.  That is why healing comes from your heart.
Join in and discover healing techniques helping you:
  • embody more love
  • share loving, healing energy with your pet
  • raise your love vibration
  • raise your pet's love vibration
  • have deeper loving connection with your pet
For healthier, more harmonious and happier you and your precious pet.
When: Saturday February 8th, 2020

Time:   10:00 - 11:00am Pacific

Where:  Zoom video conference (free) In the comfort of your location.

Cost: $25

Click to Register: Power Of Love Class
*Zoom connection details will be emailed after you register.

Puppy Love Couples Massage
That’s right, you and your furry soulmate will enjoy a relaxing 30 minute massage side by side from your own massage therapists. (I will be doing the dog massages :-))

There are 5 - 30 minute slots available for this event, so you will want to book now.

When: Sunday February 23rd 
1:30pm - 5:00pm 

Where: Pickles Playland
    12669 NE 85th Street
    Kirkland, WA 98033
    + Google Map 

Cost: $95 per Person and Dog "couple"

Register Here:  Puppy Love Couples Massage to pay.

Then call (425) 298-4530 or email to book your specific time slot.
Private Sessions Available
If you are worried or concerned about your pet and would like support getting your pet back to health, I invite you to reach out and together we will determine what support would best serve you and your pet to get you both on a path to healing. 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Author of upcoming book "Heart to Heart: How You Can Heal Your Animal"

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232


I invite you to pretend you are a tree with deep roots coming out of your feet and into the ground.  Allow the Earth to discharge your stress.

If you are ready to have your pet feeling their best, I invite you to get in touch with me. 

Click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email and phone number.

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.