Subject: Grounding for you and your animal - why? to learn

Healing Your Animal Connections
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! 

Do you ever feel lost and alone?  Even when there are so many people around...

Do you feel disconnected and lose sight there is something greater than yourself?

Do you love your animal, love being with them, yet a connection is missing?  Desiring for it to be filled stronger with love...

You are not alone.  And I am here to help navigate you back to connecting with your self, your animals, and your world.

Grounding is your first step to reconnecting with yourself, your animals, your loved ones and the rest of the world.

When you are grounded, your animal feels a stronger sense of connection with you.  When your animals are grounded, they feel confident and safe.

Grounding is working with balancing Chakra 1: The Root Chakra

You may have been hearing me talk more about Chakras recently.  Chakras fascinate me. There are 7 main Chakra (energy wheels) in your and your animal's body that impact your health.  And I am leading a Pet Chakra Balancing Class.  This is for you if you are ready for positive change in your and your pet's life.  

You are ready to be your best self.  

You are ready to be present and connected to the world driving your world versus being carried away by the world and struggling to keep up.

And have a deeper true connection with your self and your animals.

If you are ready, please reach out to Pet Chakra Balancing Class 
and get you enrolled right away to join in this class.
Exercise of the Week:
A quick simple way to ground yourself is to bring energy down to your feet. 

Stand with your feet hip width apart
Raise up your heels and stand on the balls of your feet toward your toes
Hold for 4 seconds
Lower and raise up your toes and stand on the heels of your feet
Hold for 4 seconds
Gently repeat up on toes then up on heels 3 times
Stand feet flat and notice how you feel

I invite you to do this 2 - 3 times a day for a month and see what shifts in your life

Bonus: Discover how to ground your animal in the video, simply click the picture.
I invite you to share your experiences with me:
or FaceBook @healingyouranimal
Learning Opportunities
Beamer received a private healing phone session before Kathy left for a trip.  Here is what Kathy had to say on return:

"Good trip. Beamer was really excited to see us but yet very calm and letting us pet him without the skittish behaviour.  My neighbor even commented on how calm he was with her.  It is the grounding!" 

The energy supporting Beamer in Calgary, Alberta, Canada while I am in Seattle, Washington is the same energy that will serve you in the upcoming Pet Chakra Balancing Class during our Zoom teleconference connections.  This format allows you to join in where ever you are to receive the powerful balancing benefits of this group.  And it is easy for multiple animals in the household to participate together. 

Each 1 hour Zoom class a chakra will be featured going through the 7 main chakras over the course of 2 weeks a month for 4 months to obtain a full understanding of the chakras. And you will learn the benefits with information and experientially balancing and healing your animal's chakras for optimum wellness, harmony and ease.

This Class Benefits:

  • highly sensitive animals who are hyper alert, easily startled and very anxious to calm and feeling safe
  • dogs who get anxious quickly that shows up as lunging at other animals, barking incessantly, and hard to calm down to being calm and manageable
  • cats who aren’t using their litter boxes, peeing and/or pooping in the house
  • enhancing communication and understanding what your animal is so desperately trying to tell you
  • shifting you from worry and stress to calm and ease
  • having you sleep better and having more energy

Note: Whether you or local or if you live outside the Seattle area, you attend this class virtually via Zoom, a free video conferencing classroom. You can attend via computer, tablet or smartphone. Details will be provided when you register for the class.

When: 6:00 - 7:00pm Pacific

Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
Tuesday April 30th, 2019
Tuesday May 14th, 2019
Tuesday May 29th, 2019
Tuesday June 11th, 2019
Tuesday June 25th, 2019
Tuesday July 9th, 2019

Cost: $347

What you’ll get:
  • A thorough introduction of the Chakras, how they work and how to tap into them to heal your pets.
  • 7 one (1) hour classes. All are recorded for your convenience in case you miss a class or want to repeat a class.
  • All lecture notes along with supplemental videos and exercises to do at home.
  • Access to a private Facebook group to stay connected and communicate with other students.
Class size is limited. The class is intentionally kept small to assure that all participants receive a personalized experience.

I invite you to click here for more information:  
Advanced Animal Reiki - Level II

Take Reiki healing to the next level with Reiki II.

Receive Reiki II attunement
Learn: Reiki symbols and how to use them
How to clear your energy field
How to work hands-off (distancely) with people, animals, plants
How to build bridge of light when it's time for your loved one to transition
Receive Reiki II certificate
And more...
You will learn with live dogs in class as well as people and pets at home

When: Saturday, March 30th, 2019
10:30am - 4:30pm

Where: Natural Pet Pantry
10600 NE 68th Street Ste D
Kirkland, WA 98033

Cost: $350

Prerequisite: Reiki I certified

Class size is limited! Click to Register

*You will receive more details through email after registering
Basic Animal Massage Class

Learn professional strokes of massage to do with your pet. Take home a 10 minute maintenance massage routine for optimal health and movement during the rest of your time together.

When: Saturday, April 6th, 2019
10:30am - 12:30pm

Where: Natural Pet Pantry
10600 NE 68th Street Ste D
Kirkland, WA 98033

Cost: $97

Class size is limited! Click to Register

*You will receive more details through email after registering

Private Sessions Available
If you are having a nagging concern, that hasn't quite formed into a full-blown worried issue, I invite you to reach out and let's connect with a conversation before it gets the to escalated stage.  Together we will see what support would best serve you and your pet and get you on the path of healing. 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

And we will find a time convenient for you to talk within the next 2 weeks.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Author, Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Author of "Bridging True Love Connection & Healing between You and Your Animals"

Upcoming author of "Heart to Heart - How You Can Heal Your Animal"

Wellness Ear Massage Video Online Program

I invite you to visit and like my Facebook page:

Follow me on Instagram: HealingYourAnimal

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Today: Pause, Take a deep breath in and out to Get Present, Ground by standing on your feet and rocking back and forth bringing your attention to your feet connecting with the floor, get on couch/floor with your animal, place one hand on your animal's low back (root chakra), and place your other hand on your animal's lower abdomen and hold for 1 minute, disconnect by rubbing your hands together.  Thank your beloved Cat, your Dog and give a hug.  

If you are ready to discover more ways to bridge your connection, healing and communication between you and your cat/your dog, 

I invite you to receive your 15 minute Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.  I am confident you can give 15 minutes to yourself and to your animals getting you on the path of calm, health, harmony and ease.

Simply click this link below, fill in your name, email and phone number.

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.