Subject: Grounding for my animals... REALLY?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to you and new Healing Your Animal Community subscribers.
Here I am (a selfie) having fun sailing with some long time friends.  It was so much fun to be out on the water with the wind in my hair while being with friends.  There were some osprey flying above us and going down fishing in the water. As you know I love nature.

With it being near the end of summer and doing activities you desired to do before it is over, hosting get togethers with friends and your dogs are ready to catch the food that gets dropped or maybe even some people slip him/her some food because he/she is just so cute and they cannot resist.

If your cat/your dog is getting human food, you will want to check out this ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Do you have a new member of your household?

Are all of your animals getting along?

Is there chaos, things not going smoothly with your animals?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Family.

Family essence supports harmony among all family members.
It was originally created for a friend who was going to visit her family for 5 weeks and wanted strong support. The intentions and formulation with family is that when sprayed it promotes a deep sense of love and connection as a healthy family unit. It dispels any negativity, so that harmony can exist.

My friend was so excited how well it worked for her family visit. She was so happy to have had a more relaxing and peaceful visit than ever before.

Animals respond to
Family as well. A person who brought home her new baby girl and sat her in the living room floor to meet her animals wrote in and said she was amazed that her cat who never came out even came out and joined the family and jumped in her lap for affection. She was amazed.

I invite you to Save 25% now, click Essence Sales

Have you recently moved into a new home?

Does your schedule shift to a summer schedule? And you will shift into a fall schedule when your children are back in school?

Do you have a dog who has recently had an injury or surgery and is now on crate rest? (and your dog is really bouncing around going stir crazy?)

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Transition.

Transition essence supports you and your animals in times when life brings you change. (i.e. Moving to a new home, changing schedule from summer to back-to-school, have a new family member whether 2 or 4-legged, having to rest and recover from injury or surgery when used to being more active.)

It was originally created for a horse client who was on stall rest. It helped Seven adjust to the change of having to rest and be in his stall all day instead of being out roaming free in the field like he was used to while he recovered from his injury. It helped him calm and be more content during his healing process.

And since then,
Transition has been serving many more people and animals handle changes in life with more ease.

I invite you to Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Teleclass

Grounding You and Your Animals

Now, you may be saying…

Grounding, Really?

Grounding is a term used to have your feet solidly on the ground. 

How do I know if my cat, my dog needs grounding?

With animals, you will notice them being:
  • anxious most of the time
  • unsettled and has a hard time settling
  • nervous and skittish
  • startles easily
  • hyper-active, jumping, barking
These are some good indicators your animal would benefit with grounding.

You are invited to join me and other animal caretakers

Healing Your Animal Teleclass

Topic: Grounding You and Your Animals

August 27th

10:00am Pacific


Grounding You and Your Animal Sign-Up
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

**Be sure to mark your calendars and make it live.  

And share this invite with a friend you know who would be interested in taking the best care of their loving animals.

Grounding You and Your Animal Sign-Up
Client Interest for You
This is Frankie who is relatively new client. He has lymphoma and was moping around being sluggish. After his first session with me he ran for the first time in months. The thrill and excitement his guardian shared was so full of love seeing her precious Frankie feeling good again.

Frankie is also receiving chemotherapy. Previously he would whimper, shake and moan during his treatment, breaking his guardian's heart. After this same first session, he was calm, strong and it was so easy for him. And for his guardian!

The good news is Frankie is in remission.

He had another healing session today and continues to strengthen his immune system and feel better.  For his healing session he resumes his "healing" pose where he really opens and receives the healing energies.

You too can have your dog feeling his/her best no matter what he/she is going through!
Useful Tip for You
Tip:   If you are feeding your cat, your dog human food, these are foods never to feed your cat or your dog: 

  • Chocolate
  • Onions
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Yeast dough
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Marijuana
  • Moldy or spoiled food
  • Wild Mushrooms
  • Large amounts of raw fish
  • Potato, rhubarb or tomato leaves
  • Large amounts of raw liver
  • Large numbers of macadamia nuts
  • Fruit pits
  • Corn cobs

This is only the tip of the iceberg with how to help your loving cats and precious dogs eat healthily.
How to take this further...
If you are interested in providing the best care for your cat, your dog, I invite you to

Reach out, click here -

and you will discover how grounding will help your cat and your dog go from hyper, anxious and nervous to calm and enjoying life.
Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Since you are an animal loving person and you are interested in doing all you can to take good care of your cats and dogs, you will greatly benefit with learning more about grounding for you and your loving cats and dogs. This class is my gift to you.

I invite you to Sign up now:

Healing Your Animal
Grounding You and Your Animals Teleclass

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.