Subject: Find out what happened...

Healing Your Animal Teleclass
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

Wow, did you join us on the LIVE call today?  

We received such great response to this powerful call.

Now, if you weren't able to be there live,  here is a peek at what you missed as we dove deep into exploring a special connection between Moonbeam and her guardian Wendy.
On this call we shared how animals are usually more sensitive than we are - and Moonbeam, Wendy's cat, is very sensitive.

At first, like many folks can be, Wendy was resistant to the clearing work we were doing, because Wendy wasn't seeing or feeling anything that "needed" to be cleared. 

Because Wendy was willing to move through her resistance, she now sees clearly visible results and Moonbeam is thriving

Here are just a few ways that Wendy has experienced a positive result of our work together:

  • Wendy has less stress, and worry 
  • She recognizes Moonbeam is helping her raise her own consciousness 
  • has a great heartwarming gratitude for the work we did to get Moonbeam feeling much more playful with more bonding and connection and having a better quality of life together. 
On this very special call I also gave out an EXCLUSIVE invitation for YOU, and your furry one to receive high-level support...just like Wendy and Moonbeam.

Click here to learn more and Reserve your spot here:

Healing Your Animal Group Program

Time Sensntive >>> Get in on the 45% early early bird saving (this special offer goes away midnight Friday).

What is this all about?

Healing Your Animal Group Program is a program exclusively designed for a select group who come together 9 weeks to receive insights, practical and energetic steps, to create a new awareness of how you relate with your animal.

This is your KEY to...

stop living in chaos
• having harmony in your household
• having your cat using his/her litter box again
• having your dog go pee and poo outside again
• having a clean, fresh smelling house again
• getting better quality of sleep
• having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life
understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you
adding a healing touch when petting your animals

Here is what you will receive:
  • 8 training calls,
  • Supporting videos and documents to deepen the training
  • One 20 Min personal spotlight feature with you and your cat/your dog for greater support and healing
  • A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get unlimited support & questions answered and stay connected through this 9 week journey

Here are the steps you take to secure your spot:

Go to:
Healing Your Animal Group Program,

Act fast to receive the early early bird pricing (45% savings) only available until Friday midnight Pacific time.

You know if this resonates with you and you are ready to take this step and go deeper in supporting your cat/your dog with better health, increased communication, and heightened connection and bonding time. This group provides a great foundation and resource for many quality years ahead with your loving animal.

Again, here is how to registerHealing Your Animal Group,
Remember to reserve your spot by midnight Friday to get in on the 45% early early bird savings.
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. For anyone who missed the teleclass, please don't also miss out on receiving this special way to receive support.

Reserve your spot here:
Healing Your Animal Group Program

Get in on the 45% early early bird savings. 

This offer goes away midnight Friday.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.