Subject: Find out what Love can do for you and your animal

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Happy Early Valentine to You and Your Animal! 
Ahhhh, February, the month of love.
In Greek, there are 6 words for Love. English categorizes it all as 1 word Love. No wonder there can be so much confusion about this word.

Whether you are in a romantic relationship or single, today I invite you to celebrate the love in your life with all of your relationships especially with yourself and your animal. 

In these days of long to-do lists, I hope you are taking time to "paws" for love and connection with your animal friend.  A few minutes can make a big difference in the health of your and your animal.
I had a special encounter this week with both of my cats, Spirit and Sapphire.  I woke up with a big to do list for the day.  Instead of just rushing around and marking things off the list, I paused when Sapphire came up to me with a gentle rub to my hand saying pet me.  I stopped what I was doing, connected and gave her a very loving rub.  This was so special for both of us.  Not long after that, Sprit approached me and came up and rubbed his face against mine.  One again I paused, embraced this connection and then went about my day in a much more loving and gracious way and Spirit and Sapphire were more content.
These incidents were so impactful that I am able to connect and appreciate their "helping" me work now versus being frustrated that I was being interrupted when I had a deadline (Sound familiar?) and it makes a loving difference now every day.  
Pause (with Paws)

Get Present - easy way is to take a deep breath in and out
Connect with your beloved Cat, Dog
Give a hug
Allow yourself to send Love to your animal
Allow yourself to receive Love from your animal.

The last part is very important - receive their love. They desire pleasing you so much and this act of acknowledging them really makes a big difference to your animal.
I invite you to share your experience with me:

Learning Opportunities

Basic Animal Massage

When: Saturday February 17th, 2018
Where: Natural Pet Pantry 
            10600 NE 68th Street Ste D
            Kirkland, WA 98033
Time: 12:00pm - 4:00pm Pacific
Investment: $97

Bring your well-behaved dogs to class.  Cat guardians practice on dogs in class and on your cats when you get home.

I invite you to Click to register 
*Note: Open to public. Massage therapists earn 4 CEU credits for this course. 

Animal Reiki - Level II

• Learn Reiki II symbols and Distance Healing – support your pet and other animals with healing energy

• Enhance your spiritual growth attuned with Reiki Level II energies

• Receive Reiki Level II certification

When: Saturday March 3rd, 2018
Where: Natural Pet Pantry 
            10600 NE 68th Street Ste D
            Kirkland, WA 98033
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Pacific
Investment: $350

Bring your well-behaved dogs to class. Cat guardians practice on dogs in class and on your cats when you get home.

I invite you to email: to register
*Note: Open to public. Massage therapists earn 7 CEU credits for this course. 

Delighted to be with you helping you and your animals have optimum health, harmony and ease.
If you are having a nagging concern, that hasn't quite formed into a full-blown worried issue, I invite you to reach out and let's connect with a conversation before it gets the to escalated stage.  Together we will see what support would best serve you and your pet and get you on the path of healing. 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

And we will find a time convenient for you to talk within the next 2 weeks.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Today: Pause, Get Present, Connect with your beloved Cat, your Dog and give a hug.  Allow yourself to send Love to your animal, allow yourself to receive Love from your animal.

The last part is very important - receive their love.  They desire pleasing you so much and this act of acknowledging them really makes a big difference to your animal.

If you are ready to discover more ways to bridge your connection and communication between you and your cat/your dog, 

I invite you to receive your 15 minute Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.  I am confident you can give 15 minutes to yourself and to your animals getting you on the path of calm, health, harmony and ease.

Simply click this link below, fill in your name, email and phone number.

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.