Healing Your Animal Ezine |
Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers. |
I have been in Saratoga Springs, NY for the last week and it was a wonderful training experience. They had a groundhog family on the grounds. They were so cute running around. The grounds is a state park. Here I am with a Spouting Geyser part of the natural springs that run throughout the land. I would go fill up my water bottle on breaks everyday to drink fresh spring water. On my last day of my trip, I had a soak in the spa in a deep tub filled with these healing waters. It was totally relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time.
Part of the training was bringing out and honoring our creative side in order to be better service providers. It was really fun to set in motion reconnecting with passions and interests that haven't had attention in years. One thing I have started is dancing to the song Brave every morning. I love that song and I have found it is a fun way to start my day.
If you are a person who wants to have a fun bonding experience with your cat, your dog, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.
And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation. Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki |
People & Animal Vibrations |
In the spirit of spring and more "Light" coming in... |
Do you have a new member of your household?
Are all of your animals getting along?
Is there chaos, things not going smoothly with your animals? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Family.
Family essence supports harmony among all family members. It was originally created for a friend who was going to visit her family for 5 weeks and wanted strong support. The intentions and formulation with family is that when sprayed it promotes a deep sense of love and connection as a healthy family unit. It dispels any negativity, so that harmony can exist.
My friend was so excited how well it worked for her family visit. She was so happy to have had a more relaxing and peaceful visit than ever before.
Animals respond to Family as well. A person who brought home her new baby girl and sat her in the living room floor to meet her animals wrote in and said she was amazed that her cat who never came out even came out and joined the family and jumped in her lap for affection. She was amazed.
Do you have a dog who barks every time the doorbell rings?
Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, cannot sit still? Do you have a cat who startles easily?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Serene essence is your friend.
Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life. |
Healing Your Animal Teleclass |
Topic: Protection for You and Your Animals June 25th 10:00am Pacific $$FREE$$
Now, you may be saying… Protection? What kind of protection?
Really, my animals need this? I am here to tell you YES, your animals benefit from energetic protection. Just because you cannot (at least most people cannot) see energy, doesn't mean it does not exist and that is isn't impacting you and your animal's lives.
Energy does exist and it is impacting you and your animal's lives whether you are conscious of it or not.
Are your cats or dogs more sluggish than normal?
Is your cat jumpy or skittish?
Does your dog bark a lot and at times you really have no idea why?
Is your dog barking at other people and other dogs when you are walking together?
These are some of the indicators your animal would benefit with energy protection.
Click here to sign up for:
You cannot make it live,no worries, sign up anyway and you can participate with the recording.
Please invite your spiritual animal loving friends to this very important teleclass. Pass this link along and have them and their animals benefit too.
"When I first came to Vicki, my dog, Baxter was stressed out, chewing up the living room rug, going to the bathroom in the house and jumping up on people as they entered the house. I was stressed with all of this going on. After working with Vicki, there has been a dramatic shift in Baxter. People are noticing the changes and he even looks different. Baxter is much calmer and happier. It’s like the weight of the world has been taken off of his shoulders. He isn’t chewing the rug, going to the bathroom in the house and he isn’t jumping on people anymore.
I knew the energy work worked for me, but I was amazed to see how it worked for my dog, Baxter.
I can’t express my gratitude enough. You really changed his puppy life and ours. Thank you so much!" Carson Tate, Charlotte, NC
Tip: Do something this week that brings you joy. And have your cat and your dog be there with you.
How to use this: Maybe think of something you haven’t done in awhile that you would really love to do. The sillier the better as far as they are concerned… For instance put on your favorite song and jump around, dance around. Watch your cats and your dogs behavior. With my cats it was harder to notice, because their temperament is different. I can assure you they were feeling it. When I have done this with my dog, Sasha, she would get excited, do the play bow and then jump around excitedly too.
This will fill not only your heart, it will theirs too.
And please share with me your experiences – I would love to hear them! info@healingyouranimal.com |
How to take this further... |
If you are a person who wants to have even more love and calm in your life with your cat and your dog with a stronger bond and connection with harmony, it is never too late to begin.
Sign up here to join me in my upcoming teleclass:
I am so blessed with my love for animals and healing gifts to support them. Animals are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
P.S. that you are yearning for more connection, love and play time with your cat and your dog, take action to have this. Sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be having enhanced bonding and connection with your cat and your dog. And peace of mind you are doing all you can to provide great care for your precious animals. that you are yearning for more connection, love and play time with your cat and your dog, take action to have this. Sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be having enhanced bonding and connection with your cat and your dog. And peace of mind you are doing all you can to provide great care for your precious animals.Before another day goes by that you are yearning for more connection, love and play time with your cat and your dog, take action to have this. Sign up for this FREE teleclass where you will be having enhanced bonding and connection with your cat and your dog. And peace of mind you are doing all you can to provide great care for your precious animals.
Click this link: Protection for You and Your Animal Teleclass Sign-Up
You cannot make it live,no worries, sign up anyway and you can participate with the recording.
Please invite your spiritual animal loving friends to this very important teleclass. Pass this ezine along and have them and their animals benefit too.
Protection for You and Your Animal Teleclass Sign-Up |