Subject: Does your dog whine? Are you ready to discover how to change this?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

And here is a warm welcome to you, new subscribers, and to my Healing Your Animal Community.
Miranda and I are got home a day late from visiting my mom and sister.  Our flight got cancelled, so we received an extra bonus visit day.

While we were in Kentucky, I got together with a long-time friend, Russell, for a day of pictionary and taboo with my family celebrating his 50th birthday.  

It turns out, my friend Russell ended up getting challenged with the ALS ice bucket challenge and then he challenged me.

Miranda was so excited about dumping the ice cold water on me. BRRRR! And then I challenged Miranda, Kevin Court and Dr. Robert McElroy.  

You can see the videos here: 
Mine video 1 of 2

Mine video 2 of 2

Mirandas video

I have been amazed at this movement and I am excited to be a part of it.
During my visit, I truly saw how good of friends I had growing up and how much easier life is with support. I really experienced this at a deeper level the value of connection and community.  Reminding me just how we are meant to be in community.
You are powerful on your own and even more powerful coming together with connection and community.

And that is why I have created Healing Your Animal Group for you and your animals to experience the power of being in community and connection with each other in the group.  You  
receive insights, proven and very effective practical and energetic tools, to create a new awareness of how you relate with your animal.

If this sounds like you, you’ll want to be sure to check out more details below.

Are you having trouble with your dogs whining and begging?  If you answered, yes, you will want to check out this week's tip below.

And if this is something you would like to take further, reach out to me and we will connect for a conversation.
People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Do you have children at home for the summer?

Are you going for a family visit?

Do you have a new member (2 or 4-legged) in your household?

Are your animals fighting?

Is there chaos, things not going smoothly with your animals?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Family.

Family essence supports harmony among all family members.
It was originally created for a friend who was going to visit her family for 5 weeks and wanted strong support. The intentions and formulation with family is that when sprayed it promotes a deep sense of love and connection as a healthy family unit. It dispels any negativity, so that harmony can exist.

My friend was so excited how well it worked for her family visit. She was so happy to have had a more relaxing and peaceful visit than ever before.

Animals respond to Family as well. A person who brought home her new baby girl and sat her in the living room floor to meet her animals wrote in and said she was amazed that her cat who never came out even came out and joined the family and jumped in her lap for affection. She was amazed.

Do you need Family for you and your animals?

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Have you recently moved into a new home?

Does your schedule shift to a summer schedule? And you will shift into a fall schedule when your children are back in school?

Do you have a dog who has recently had an injury or surgery and is now on crate rest?  (and your dog is really bouncing around going stir crazy?)

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Transition.

Transition essence supports you and your animals in times when life brings you change.  (i.e. Moving to a new home, changing schedule from summer to back-to-school, have a new family member whether 2 or 4-legged, having to rest and recover from injury or surgery when used to being more active.)

It was originally created for a horse client who was on stall rest. It helped Seven adjust to the change of having to rest and be in his stall all day instead of being out roaming free in the field like he was used to while he recovered from his injury.  It helped him calm and be more content during his healing process.

And since then, Transition has been serving many more people and animals handle changes in life with more ease.

Do you need Transition for you and your animals?

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales
Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Group Program

What is this all about?

Using healing techniques I am delighted to teach you. I have created a very special 9 week program that enables me to teach these healing effective and proven techniques to you.

• Connect and help modify your animal’s misbehavior
• Support your animal with optimal health
• Establish a baseline with your animal to know faster when something is off or not quite right with your animal
• Get the care your animal needs to keep healthy in a timely manner (sooner vs later)
• Gain confidence in using these healing techniques
• As a licensed animal massage and healing expert, you walk away with professional training knowing you are using these healing tools and techniques the proper way

This program is designed for a select group of people, where you:

Receive insights
Practical and energetic steps to create a new awareness
Helping you relate with your animal in a deeper way

Healing Your Animal Group Program is a program exclusively designed for a select group who come together 9 weeks to receive insights, proven and very effective practical and energetic steps, to create a new awareness of how you relate with your animal.

This is your KEY to...

stop living in chaos
stop having your dogs bark like crazy at the doorbell
• having your cat using his/her litter box again
• having your dog go pee and poo outside again
• having a safe reunion when you return home from traveling
• getting better quality of sleep
• having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life
understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you
• adding a healing touch when petting your animals

Here is what you will receive:
  • 8 - 60 Min training calls,
  • Supporting videos and documents to deepen the training
  • One 20 Min personal spotlight feature with you and your cat/your dog for greater support and healing
  • A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get unlimited support & questions answered and stay connected through this 9 week journey
There are only a few spots left.

We are starting September 22nd.

You know if this resonates with you. 

I invite you to take these steps to secure your spot:

Go to:
Healing Your Animal Group Program

Act now to receive the early bird pricing ($400 savings) only available until TONIGHT midnight Pacific time.

I am delighted to be with you in the group!
Client Interest for You
I was dealing with constant stress because our two cats, Vincent and Pablo weren't getting along. Pablo was very dominant and aggressive, and Vincent, who's very shy, would spend the whole day hiding, living in constant isolation and fear. Since I've been working with Vicki, the whole mood of our household has changed. Vincent is much more confident than he used to be, and it's clear that he's more at ease and happy in the house. Pablo is less of a bully and is starting to use more of his energy for playing and enjoying life vs. negative behavior. I even see the two cats sleeping together and grooming each other occasionally. I feel much more relaxed and productive during the day as I'm not constantly worried about the boys, and I'm confident leaving them alone together when I have to travel. 
Sally McKenzie, Seattle, WA
Useful Tip for You
Does your dog whine for attention?

TipIf you pet her, look at her, or do anything except ignore her when she is whining, you teach her that whining works.

How to use this:

To stop it, turn your back when she whines, fold your arms and look away, or leave the room. Pet and play with her when she's not whining.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to learn that can really have you understanding your cat, your dog and your animals understanding you.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who loves your animal very much and you are frustrated that your cat, your dog is not listening to you, and the more he/she doesn't listen, the more frustrated you get, and it could be a serious issue like not coming when you call him/her or growling or snapping at people when they come into your home, and you really yearn and desire to have him/her be safe, happy and listening,

I invite you to Reach out, claim one
of the few remaining spots in the Healing Your Animal Group currently forming. 

We are starting September 22nd.  

Your animals are ready for this with you.  Are you ready?

Register here:

Time Sensitive >>> Only a few remaining slots. Get in on the early early bird $400 savings (this special offer goes away midnight TONIGHT).
I look forward to being with you in this  life changing class and experience.  
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Here is a special way to receive support with your loving animals.

I invite you to Reserve your spot here:
Healing Your Animal Group Program

Get in on the $400 savings with early early bird investment

Limited spots, Only a few short hours left.  This offer goes away midnight TONIGHT.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.