Subject: Does your dog bark at every little noise? Does your cat hide a lot?

Healing Your Animal 
Energy Essentials
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

And here is a warm welcome to you, new subscribers, and to my Healing Your Animal Community.
Being a Healing Your Animal Expert, part of delivering my best to you is to take a morning nature walk to start my day.  This is soul fulfilling and allows my energy to flow more calmly throughout my day.  

Have you ever had the thought about something that you know will make you feel good and you resisted going?  Only to discover that you are so glad you went because you felt so much better.  That is what I like to call good energy management.  You took a blah energy and turned it into joy.

Energy is flowing whether it is raining or sunny, so here are ducks in the rain on one of my recent walks.  It was a very joyful experience.
You have probably heard me say this before...

The calmer you are the calmer your animal will be.  Your energy state affects your animals.  

Are you tired a lot?
Do you desire more energy?
Are you anxious, stressed or nervous recently?

I invite you to click here to receive your Energy Essential Kit.

You are receiving a sale price with 19% savings for the first time ever.  Sale is available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

The Energy Essential kit is designed to help support you and your animals in managing your energies no matter what is going on around you.  Supporting you with having more energy, being calmer and clearer.  

You receive 3 - 1 oz essences

Ground - supports you being more connected in the physical world
Clear - clears your energy field
Protection - keeps you from absorbing other people's energies

You may recognize a theme here.  These are the 3 topics I currently teach in my teleclasses.  The reason is these 3 energy management techniques are key to living life with more energy and joy.  Just because you cannot see energy (or most people) doesn't mean it doesn't exist and that it doesn't impact you and your animals.

These techniques are not only highly supportive and essential for you, they are highly supportive and essential for your animals too.  

Does your dog pace around and not settle?
Does your cat hide a lot?
Does your dog bark at every little noise or movement?

I invite you to click this link:  Energy Essential Kit

And receive the sale price available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

There are people who use these essences in hospitals, in corporations, in their cubicles and were always coming home drained of energy by being around so many other people.  They have been very pleased with how much better they feel and how much more energy they have.

You can have this too.
My invitation to you is receive this for you now and start benefiting right away.  Click here to receive your:

Energy Essential Kit

You are receiving a sale price with 19% savings for the first time ever. Sale is available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

And be sure to send in your experience!  
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Here is a special way to receive support with:

  • being tired a lot
  • being stressed out
  • too much to do and not enough hours in your day

I invite you to receive your Energy Essential Kit here:

Energy Essential Kit

  • Have more energy
  • Be more relaxed
  • Have more fun with your to dos

Get in on the 19 % savings for the very first time being offered.

his offer goes away Friday 5:00pm pacific.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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