Subject: Does the thought of leaving your animals at home while you travel distress you?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to you and new Healing Your Animal Community subscribers.
Miranda, my 12 year old daughter, and I are taking a cake decorating class together. She is so passionate about it. I am having fun supporting her and being a part of this endeavor with her and creating flowers too. Here is a picture of her flowers from class.

As we have our human children, we also have our furry children that we absolutely love and cherish with all of our hearts.

If you are taking a trip and traveling while your animal stays home, and it tugs at your heart strings not wanting to leave them and at the same time you are excited about your trip, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Panic Relief
Do you have a cat or dog afraid of loud noises?

Do you have a cat or dog who is very shy, submissive and shaky?

Does your cat or dog retreat with encountering a new person or animal?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Panic Relief.

Panic Relief essence supports calming panic energy.  Assists in relieving emotional distress, fear and panic.  This works for you as well as your animals.  This will help calm your dogs for car rides for travel and to the vet.
If you are a person prone to panic attacks or feeling panicked a lot, this will help you calm down, take the edge off and be more relaxed.  

This is the same for your animals.  If your cat, your dog are jumpy, shaky, and scared a lot, this will support them in calming down and feeling more at ease.

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Do you have a cat or dog afraid of going to the vet?

Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, barks like crazy when the doorbell rings?

Do you have a cat who startles easily?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these,
Serene essence is your friend.

Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life.

Here what one client has to say..

"Rosie after being traumatized at the groomers, has been scared to get her nails clipped. After a class with Vicki, I used three sprays of Serene and we were able to clip two of her nails. In the middle of the night, Rosie chewed off the top and consumed the whole bottle of Serene (and left the other mist bottles around it in tact). Obviously these are very powerful sprays, because Rosie was very drawn to them and has changed her behavior dramatically."
Judy – Bellevue, WA

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Client Interest for You
Meet Vincent here on the stairs and Pablo on the carpet below.

Vincent is the cat who lived in the household first. He was shy and unsure of himself when I first met him.

Pablo came to live in the house and this did not sit well with Vincent.
"I was dealing with constant stress because our two cats, Vincent and Pablo weren't getting along. Pablo was very dominant and aggressive, and Vincent, who's very shy, would spend the whole day hiding, living in constant isolation and fear. Since I've been working with Vicki, the whole mood of our household has changed. Vincent is much more confident than he used to be, and it's clear that he's more at ease and happy in the house. Pablo is less of a bully and is starting to use more of his energy for playing and enjoying life vs. negative behavior. I even see the two cats sleeping together and grooming each other occasionally. I feel much more relaxed and productive during the day as I'm not constantly worried about the boys, and I'm confident leaving them alone together when I have to travel."

Sally McKenzie, Seattle, WA
Useful Tip for You
Tip:   Show your cat, your dog blinks for how long you will be gone.

How to use this: 

When you are ready to go on your trip, show your cat, your dog the number of days/nights you will be away by showing them with that number of blinks of your eyes. You will be talking their language to them. They will understand it as lights and darks for days and nights.

They will gratefully appreciate you sharing this information with them.

This is only the tip of the iceberg with how to help them while you travel.
How to take this further...
If you are leaving your cats, your dogs at home while you travel this summer, and you would like support making sure they are comfortable while you are away,

Reach out, click here -

and we’ll discuss your travel along with your concerns and find your next best steps for support for your animal to be at peace and at ease while you are away. 

And have your reunion shift from the snubbing and ignoring by your cat and the wildly jumping and over excitement with your dog to calm, happy to see you and connecting as if you have been right there with them the whole time you were away.

Are you ready to have this for your animal? 
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Before your concerns, confusion and distress get worse with you regarding leaving your beloved cats and dogs at home while you travel, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and we will discuss what is going on with you and your animals and find your next best steps for your specific travel needs so you can relax, have support and warm your heart knowing your cat, your dog is doing and feeling well while you travel.

Click this link:

Set Up Your Healing Your Animal Assessment

my gift to you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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