| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
And here is a warm welcome to you and new subscribers to my Healing Your Animal Community. |
| Recently, I had an incredibly magical walk with herons. It was cloudy and cool. I went earlier than normal. I had the beach and walk to myself and nature. As I was nearing the beach, I unexpectedly saw a heron on the shoreline hanging out and fishing. I stopped, took his picture and quietly and slowly made my way for my walk as to not disturb him. |
| As I was walking along, another heron came across the sky flying and stopped on the path twenty feet in front of me on the rail of the walkway out on the water. So I stopped. I hung out watching him. I was thrilled.
This is a new experience and connection with herons for me. So I hung out continuing watching him and enjoying our connection. He later flew off, met up with the other heron on the beach and they flew together for a bit, then they went their separate ways.
It was so beautiful to witness and experience. |
| It is this magic and beauty that is coming more and more into all of my life. And as I continue to evolve, so does my support for you and your animals. I love the fact that the two herons connected and flew together awhile. They are generally more loner birds and they were showing being in community with each other.
You are powerful on your own and even more powerful coming together with connection and community.
And that is why I have created Healing Your Animal Group for you and your animals to experience the power of being in community and connection with each other in the group and your animals gaining connection, community, tools and healing techniques to help you support your loving animals in being, living and feeling their best. There are a few spots left.
Bumble Bee has flown into my life in support of this group forming. Bumble Bee is said to be aerodynamically impossible to fly, yet it does. It is about miracles and anything is possible. Are you ready for this in your life? If this sounds like you, you’ll want to be sure to check out more details below and get in on the savings and bonus available.
| | | What you may not realize, is each essence has its unique purpose and vibrations. When sitting connecting deeper with the essences, they reveal their mission and message to me to share with you. You hear Awaken's message today.
Awaken's Message "I am here to awaken the global consciousness to a deeper level. I generate energy out of thin air. I am the perfect pick-me-up, any time of the day. My gift is clarity, freshness, and upliftment. I work on many levels, awakening people to their true selves. I assist in unleashing one's passion for life."
"Do feel sluggish?
"Are you having trouble staying awake during the day?
"Is your cat, your dog slower to move these days?
Awaken is a great essence when you wish to have a quick pick-me-up naturally without caffeine or ingesting anything. It comes in an easy to use unscented spray allowing you to use it almost anywhere for you and your animals.
Awaken uses the natural power of crystal healing energy to help elevate your alertness and aliveness for your day. Awaken used with deeper intentions will awaken dormant passions and ignite sparks to your authentic energy waiting to come alive and be expressed.
| |  | OMG, the group that is staring in 2 weeks is such a great group of animal loving, open-minded, spiritual guardians ready to learn tools and techniques having their animals be as safe, healthy and happy as possible.
There are a few spots left in my upcoming Healing Your Animal Group Program forming now. The $200 Savings goes away TONIGHT midnight. If you desire to:
• to stop living in chaos • to having harmony in your household, reducing hisses, growls and fights • to having your cat using his/her litter box again • to having your dog peeing and pooping outside again • to having a clean, fresh smelling house again • to getting better quality of sleep • to having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life • to understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you • to learn calming techniques and adding a healing touch when petting your animals The way we are going to do this is with:
• 8 LIVE training calls, you receive recording and written scripts • Supporting videos and documents to deepen training • Receive a personal spotlight feature with you and your cat/your dog for greater support and healing • A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get questions answered and stay connected through this 8 week journey
Here are the steps you take to secure your spot:
I invite you to click this link and Register Now:
Healing Your Animal Group Receive $200 Savings and your BONUS Essential Energy Management essence kit 3 – 1 oz essences Ground, Clear and Protection FREE ($66 value)
*shipping is included for US, reduced for international
If this sounds like something you are interested in and still have questions, please reach out to info@HealingYourAnimal.com and we will set up a time for you to get all of your questions answered. |
| | Here I am with Annette and Colin previously at a Halloween party all dressed up. Annette has Type 1 diabetes, Colin is her service dog. They are one of my recent Group program participants. Their story of how they came together is very heart-warming and touching. Colin was roaming the streets when they found him, immediately warmed up to him and provided him with his forever home. He naturally turned into an alert dog for Annette.
So with training, they now are a great team. They have a very clear system and communication has to be clear for Annette’s life. Colin alerts her when her sugar levels start to shift so Annette can take care of herself.
Recently Annette’s husband has been diagnosed with diabetes and Annette has clients who have diabetes. She noticed that Colin was not having as much energy, something was off. And there was concern their communication system was “off”. And Annette’s life depends on totally trusting Colin for support, so being a little off is not an option.
As we delved further to see what was happening, it turns out that Annette was extending Colin’s service abilities to not only alert her, but was asking Colin to alert her clients and her husband. This had Colin confused and it was overloading him. Servicing one person is a lot of work and full load for a service dog. Once we got Annette and Colin on the same page again had having Colin be her service dog and only her service dog, Colin perked up, was clear and eagerly on full-alert duty again.
Annette is relieved on multiple levels. She isn’t worried about what is going on with Colin. And Annette is confident she has Colin’s full attention and a trusted alerter again.
It warms my heart to be a part of supporting them and making literally a life and death difference in their lives.
And Annette and Colin were able to receive and benefit with the Healing Your Animal Group support.
| | Tip: Your cats, your dogs do not know the word ‘No’.
How to use this:
Commit to paying attention to what you are saying to your cats, your dogs when you want them to stop doing something. If you are telling them “don’t jump on the couch”, you are actually telling them to “jump on the couch”.This is really just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more to learn that can really have you understanding your cat, your dog and your animals understanding you.
| How to take this further... |
| If you are a person who is frustrated that your cat, your dog is not listening to you, and the more they don’t listen, the more frustrated you get and you really yearn and desire to have clear communication with your cat, your dog and have your animals doing what you are wanting them to do,
I invite you to join in the currently forming Healing Your Animal Group, Click Yes, I am ready for clear communication with my animal
This is a life changing class and experience and one that will take you deeper in love and connection with your precious animals even if think that is not possible. It is possible and it is happening again and again with participants.
I invite you to find out what you don't know that you don't know with helping your animals live their safest, happiest, healthiest lives. |
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
| Dedicated to your animal's healing, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S. Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out here, join Healing Your Animal Group for you and your animals. Experience the power of being in community and connection with each other in the group while learning calming techniques for your animals, communication and connection with them on a deeper level supporting your loving animals in being, living and feeling their best every day. Receive $200 Savings, offer ends TONIGHT midnight.
As a BONUS, receive your Energy Essential Management essence kit 3 – 1 oz essences Ground, Clear and Protection FREE ($66 value) *shipping is included for US, reduced for international
If this sounds like something you are interested in and still have questions, please reach out to info@HealingYourAnimal.com and we will set up a time for you to get all of your questions answered. |
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