Subject: Do you have an attitude for gratitude? It is in the air...

Healing Your Animal 
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

It is that time of year for American Thanksgiving.  This is when there is focused attention on Gratitude.  
What are you grateful for in your life?

Would you like to have more of what you desire in your life?

Would you like to have your cat, your dog be happier?

If you answered "Yes", then you will be interested in discovering Gratitude essence.

Practicing gratitude is when you practice giving thanks for all you have, instead of complaining about what you don't have. You give yourself the chance to see all of life as an opportunity and a blessing.

This is easier said than done. You are in a society trained to notice what is broken, undone or lacking in your life. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential in your life, it needs to become more than just a Thanksgiving word. You
 have to learn a new way of looking at things, a new habit. And that can take some time.

Pain and injustice exist in this world, but when you focus on the gifts of life, you gain a feeling of well-being. Gratitude balances you and gives you hope. 

An easy practical solution to support you with breaking the pattern of focusing on what is missing or wrong with your life to celebrating and acknowledging your blessings is the Healing Your Animal/formerly Vi Miere Gratitude essence.

I invite you to receive your Gratitude essence with 25% savings when you click this link below:

It takes 3 weeks to change a habit.  Using your Gratitude essence for 3 weeks 2 - 3 times a day, you will support you in breaking your habit, your pattern of focusing on lack and focus on what is working in your life.

As you use your Gratitude essence, an inner shift begins to occur.  You may be delighted to discover how content and hopeful you are feeling with a sense of fulfillment.

I invite you to break your pattern and have more Gratitude for you and your animals and Save 25%. Click this link below:

Gratitude Essence: Opens your heart allowing gratitude to flow out to the Universe. A gift and offering for all that it provides. Allowing more to flow into your life.

Offering gratitude to our Universe and Source will exponentially benefit us. Gratitude without strings. Non-attachment to outcome.

The essences come in 1 oz and 2 oz spray bottles that spray a fine mist. They are odorless, colorless and easily portable. You can take them practically everywhere for support and they are easy to use. Your animals love them and highly benefit.

Sale price ends Friday 11/21/14 at 8:00pm Pacific.

I invite you to start benefiting now by clicking this link below:

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Here is a special way to receive support with more gratitude in your life:

Gratitude Essence: Opens your heart allowing gratitude to flow out to the Universe. A gift and offering for all that it provides. Allowing more to flow into your life.

I invite you to experience more Gratitude and Save 25% by clicking this link:

Gratitude essence

The essences come in 1 oz and 2 oz spray bottles that spray a fine mist. They are odorless, colorless and easily portable. You can take them practically everywhere for support and they are easy to use. Your animals love them and highly benefit.

Sale price ends Friday 11/21/14 at 8:00pm Pacific.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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