A few days ago I shared with you an opportunity to discover if you have a "heart" cat. (dogs are included - if you have a "heart" dog.) And asked you some important questions:
- Do you treat your cat as a wonderful, loving member of your family?
- Do you love you cat so much and really desire to keep them healthy, feeling great and being around with you as long as possible?
- Do you have multiple cats that are not playing nicely with each other and you really want them to be friends and get along and it is breaking your heart to see them constantly fight?
- Is your cat meowing more than normal, being more lethargic or throwing up with no apparent physical explanation?
- Do you have a cat who is having problems, you know something isn't right and the vets haven’t quite been able to diagnose what your cat is experiencing and you are worried really wanting to help your cat feel better?
If you answered yes to any of these, the good news is there is an answer and support. How do I know?
Being a healer, it is important to me to always be serving you and your animals at the best of my abilities.
As a way of serving you having more quality, loving, bonding time with your cat, which is my hearts true desire for you, I am offering you a gift Healing Your Animal Assessment to discuss your issues and concerns with what is going on with you and your cat at this time. We’ll see if your cat will benefit with my support on his/her path of healing.
As I shared, I only work with a handful of 1 on 1 clients and I now have a couple openings.
I have reserved time in my schedule and I invite you to have a conversation with what I call a Healing Your Animal Assessment. You and I explore the issues and concerns you are having with your animals and get a plan for helping them have optimal health and quality of life with you.
There are a couple slots left for you to receive this for you and your animals. You must reserve by Friday September 12th.
I invite You to Click NOW to Reserve your Gift