| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You! |
| Happy May!
With April showers are you seeing May flowers?
Life is happening all around with us every day.
Some of my private clients are dealing with end of life issues with their animals.
So I decided to share this important information with you to be supported too.
| |  | Tip: The power of sharing joy with your animals.
This exercise is powerful when your animals are healthy and very useful when your animals are preparing to transition. This action helps them understand you are able to let them transition with ease when it is their time and for their best interest.
How to Use This:
The best thing you can do for your animal when you know they don't have much time left, connect with your animal with love and appreciation. Sit with them and share fun stories and memories of being together.
When I was supporting Sasha, my golden retriever, during hospice, it made a big difference. On the days I used it with her, she was thriving, going for walks and getting the most out of each day. The days I didn't use it, Sasha was not interested in walks.
This exercise is so counter-intuitive to what we do and want to do. It isn't easy. As humans, we are sad to be losing our great companions. Most of what we focus on is our grief and sadness. Their job (to them) is to help us. They get confused by our sadness and sometimes think they've done something wrong. They even hold on and on (in pain or wasting away) for us until we have come to terms with their time to go. That is how much they love us. They are not afraid of death. They inherently accept that it just is when it is their time to go. Another reason they get confused by our sadness.
Please hear me. I am not saying do not feel sad. You are going to. You are human.
What I am saying is to embrace their living now while they are here. Bring the joy of them into each day, allowing them to feel your love over your awareness of they will be leaving soon.
As I was doing this exercise some days with Sasha, I had tears coming down my face and I was hugging her all the while telling her how much joy she brought me and keeping that focus on one level while I was in deep pain on another. She could still feel my love.
This exercise will provide more quality bonding togetherness with you and your special wonderful furry friend.
So I invite you to use this with your cats, your dogs and your horses. And let me know what happens. |
| How to take this further... |
| If you are a person who has any concerns with your cat/your dog/your horse's wishes, have questions you would like to ask your animal such as pain level, are they happy, connecting deeper, setting up your animal's passing to be smooth and comfortable, having peace of mind, I invite you to get in touch with me for a Healing Your Animal Assessment, my gift to you to explore and determine your animal's needs and best ways for you to receive support.
I invite you to click this link below:
Healing Your Animal Assessment
A member of my team will reach out and set up a conversation at a time convenient for you.
Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible! |
| Dedicated to your animal's healing, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
www.HealingYourAnimal.com 425-785-4232
| | Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses,
I invite you to reach out HERE to set up your Healing Your Animal Assessment and share what is going on with you and your animals:
A member of my team will reach out and set up a conversation at a time convenient for you. Together, we will explore and determine your next best steps for your specific needs. And we will tailor a wellness plan for you to have your best life and time together with your cats, dogs and horses.
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