Subject: Did you know your animals benefit from grounding too?

Did you know your animals benefit from grounding too?
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers!
The new year is off at turbo speed. I am currently in Saratoga Springs, NY (a very healing place) at a business retreat masterminding with 12 amazing powerful women who are leaders in their fields. There are incredibly big goals for 2014 being claimed and set up for success of being them.

With goals and transitions like these, grounding is a key part of being able to stay connected and accomplish them.

What you may not realize is your animals benefit from grounding too!
Animals that highly benefit from grounding are the ones who are high-strung, nervous, bouncy and shy. If this sounds like your animal, you will want to check out this issues tip. And if it is something you would like to learn more about, sign up right away for my group program where we dedicate a whole class on learning grounding techniques for you and your animals! Sparkle Animal Communication and Energy Healing

People Vibrations
Featured Essence
Grounded While Soaring!
In the spirit of New Years and my business retreat energy, I am offering Grounded While Soaring as my feature essence this month.

Grounded While Soaring provides a grounding effect while soaring in much higher vibrations and energies. This enables you to stay focus, clear, intuitive, open to higher wisdom and being grounded at the same time.

Are you ready to have grounded energies while you soar to new heights in your life?

Click now Yes, I am ready!
Animal Vibrations
Your cats and dogs benefit from grounding too!
Is your cat or dog a high-strung, nervous and shaky?

Is your cat or dog bouncy and has a hard time settling down?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Vi Miere Ground essence will help your animal calm down and be more comfortable, giving both you more peace and ease.

If you desire more calm, click Animal Essence Specials now.

Upcoming Classes
Sparkle Animal Communication and Healing Class
Be a part of a select group of 8 people joining together, forming now - learning how to help your cat and dog with any behavioral issues. This program gives you the opportunity to learn and refine your animal communication skills, learn healing skills and have more peace, harmony and health for all in your home. 

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please click: Yes, I am interested in Sparkle Animal Communication and Healing Class

Client Interest for You!
When I first came to Vicki, my dog, Baxter was stressed out, chewing up the living room rug, going to the bathroom in the house and jumping up on people as they entered the house. I was stressed with all of this going on.

After working with Vicki, there has been a dramatic shift in Baxter. People are noticing the changes and he even looks different. Baxter is much calmer and happier. It’s like the weight of the world has been taken off of his shoulders. He isn’t chewing the rug, going to the bathroom in the house and he isn’t jumping on people anymore.

I knew the energy work worked for me, but I was amazed to see how it worked for my dog, Baxter.

I can’t express my gratitude enough. You really changed his puppy life and ours.

Thank you so much!

Carson Tate, Charlotte, NC

Useful Tip for You!

Tip: Ground your cat and dog on a regular basis.

A good way to ground your cat and dog is to place your hand on top of their paw as it is connected to the floor/ground. This will help reinforce the feeling of the floor/ground beneath them. And be sure to do it with all 4 paws.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who wants to have an even deeper bond and connection with your cat and dog and desire to be able to communicate with them, the Sparkle Animal Communication and Healing Program is a great way to do this. There is such power joining with like-minded people with the same purpose and intentions to really embrace, shift and grow with opening/strengthening your intuition and your connection with your animals. Your cats and dogs are already communicating with you and you are communicating with them, are you on the same page?

Are you feeling and seeing the results you are seeking?

Or do you feel there is something missing with relating to each other?

You can change and have better, clearer communication with your cats and dogs now.

Yes, I am ready to communicate more clearly with my cat and dog!

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet owners be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats and dogs, sign up HERE to set up a clear connection of communication with your cats and dogs.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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