It is this magic and beauty that is coming more and more into all of my life. And as I continue to evolve, so does my support for you and your animals. I love the fact that the two herons connected and flew together awhile. They are generally more loner birds and they were showing being in community with each other.
You are powerful on your own and even more powerful with connection and community.
And that is why I have created Healing Your Animal Group for you and your animals to experience the power of being in community and connection with each other in the group and your animals gaining connection, community, tools and healing techniques to help you support your loving animals in being, living and feeling their best.
If this is something you would like to take further...
It is even better than announced. In addition to receiving 22% savings, you also receive your Essential Energy Management essence kit 3 – 1 oz essences Ground, Clear and Protection FREE ($67 value) *shipping is included ending available until tonight at midnight Pacific time.
Join this group of like-minded spiritual, animal loving people, coming together, traveling and taking this journey over 8 weeks learning, enhancing, strengthening animal communication and healing techniques having a stronger connection with your animals than you ever thought possible.
• to stop living in chaos • to have harmony in your household, reducing hisses, growls and fights • to have your cat using his/her litter box again • to have your dog go pee and poo outside again • to have a clean, fresh smelling house again • to getting better quality of sleep • to have peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life • to understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell you • to add a healing touch when petting your animals
Oh, and how do we do that? We have 8 training calls, Supporting videos and documents to deepen training Receive a personal spotlight feature with you and your cat/your dog for greater support and healing A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get questions answered and stay connected through this 8 week journeyHere are the steps you take to secure your spot:Click: HealingYourAnimalGroup.php You will receive the early bird pricing ($200 savings) and Essential Energy Management essence kit 3 – 1 oz essences Ground, Clear and Protection FREE ($67 value) *shipping is included ending available until tonight midnight Pacific time. I am very excited to be on this journey with you, transforming you and your animal's lives, teaching and supporting you with raising your vibrations, your animals vibrations, enhancing your animal communication and healing skills, you and your animal's optimal health and time together. |