Subject: Communicate your travel schedule to your cat and dog

Communicate your travel schedule to your cat and dog
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers!
My morning walks are nippy, crisp, and cold this week. There has been frost crunching under my feet. It is fun seeing how each day is different and unique as I walk in my favorite spot enjoying nature and the wildlife.
Swans showed up this week and I haven’t seen them in a long time. They are so beautiful on the water.
I am not the only one who likes this spot out over the water for walking. Here is a dog all snuggled in his coat enjoying his walk. 

If you are frustrated that your cat and dog go bonkers when you get your suitcase out to travel and then it pulls on your heart strings where you feel guilty you are leaving them, you will want to check out this ezine’s tip.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Essences
In the spirit of Holiday season, the Happy Holiday set is here and ready to help make your holiday season one of your best ever. It combines the calming of Serene, the harmony of Family and friend gatherings, and Boundaries to stay true to you. This is a great support for your animals as well during the holiday season. Helping them stay calm in the midst of all of the excitement with visitors and travel is essential.

Are you ready to have this be your best holiday season ever? 
Upcoming Classes
Sparkle Animal Communication and Healing Class
Be a part of a select group of 8 people joining together, forming now with early early bird savings- learning how to help your cat and dog with any behavioral issues. This program gives you the opportunity to learn and refine your animal communication skills, learn healing skills and have more peace, harmony and health for all in your home. 

 “This is so refreshing. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now knowing has opened up a whole new way for me to be with my dogs and we love it.” 
Sheri Mortko, Kansas 

Now that you know the possibility exists that yes You truly can communicate with your animal and this sounds like something you are interested in, please click here and we will set up a time to talk to make sure this class is the right fit for you and your animals. 

Vibrational Living Healing Class
Wow, what powerful healing vibrations coming forward! 

I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. 

No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them.

What has evolved and now a part of every Vibrational Living Class is to balance you and your animal’s chakras. This has been fun to see the evolution of this gathering grow into this and all of the healing shifts taking place. 

Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:

“I was feeling anxious about my life and so I decided to participate in the group meditation to relieve some stress and gain clarity by quieting my mind. As the meditation began, I started to really relax. I could actually feel the energy change in the room. My cats must have felt it too because they both joined me on my lap and stayed there throughout the call. I felt calmer and more clear headed afterward. I would recommend Vicki's vibrational group as a way to relax your busy mind and receive the healing energy that you need, even if you aren't sure what that is. It helped bring me back to the present moment which is always where the healing begins.”
Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA
And cats, Jerry, Alvin and Moses
Moses after Vibrational Living Class very relaxed and content.

Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group

Topic: Balancing Energies for You in addition to Your Cats and Dogs for the Holiday Season.

December 11th, 2013
6:00pm Pacific 

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living. Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link: 

New Healing Your Animal Workshop

The Healing Your Animal Workshop has been created for 2014 after being inspired with what powerful healing vibrations that came forward in 2013 with the Vibrational Living healing group! 

What has evolved and will be a part of every Healing Your Animal Workshop is to balance you and your animal’s chakras at the beginning. Then you will receive animal communication and healing to help you and your animals have even more quality and bonding time living together.
Kickoff Healing Your Animal Workshop
Topic: Spot, Stay! How to Confidently Travel when Your Animal Stays Home.

Friday, December 27th, 2013

*Please note, that when you sign up here, it will welcome you to the Vibrational Living group. You are in the right place. You will receive all of the details for this Healing Your Animals Workshop event soon. :-)

No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you and your animals can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. Your cats and dogs, they feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them. They are eager to have you understand what they are so desperately trying to tell you.

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher you can raise your vibrations, your animal’s vibrations and make an even bigger difference in not only your world and quality of living with your animals in the world as a whole. Share this with kindred spiritual animal loving people who are interested in doing the best for their animals: Here is the link to share:

Client Interest for You!
When I first came to Vicki, my dog, Baxter was stressed out, chewing up the living room rug, going to the bathroom in the house and jumping up on people as they entered the house. I was stressed with all of this going on.

After working with Vicki, there has been a dramatic shift in Baxter. People are noticing the changes and he even looks different. Baxter is much calmer and happier. It’s like the weight of the world has been taken off of his shoulders. He isn’t chewing the rug, going to the bathroom in the house and he isn’t jumping on people anymore.

I knew the energy work worked for me, but I was amazed to see how it worked for my dog, Baxter.

I can’t express my gratitude enough. You really changed his puppy life and ours.

Thank you so much!
Carson Tate, Charlotte, NC

Useful Tip for You!

Tip: Blinks represent day and night to your cat and dog.

How to use this:
Show your cat and dog the number of blinks for the number of nights you will be away. Be sure to show you coming back in the door after your last blink so they know when they will see you next. This will have them understanding your leaving and knowing you are coming back home to see them again. This can make the difference between your animal shunning you and being mad at you to lovingly greeting, licking and being happy to see you when you walk in the door. It will provide a more peaceful reunion between the two of you.

How to take this further...
If you are a person who is traveling soon and wants to make sure your cat and dog are happy staying at home or in the kennel are happy, content and healthy while you are away, it is never too late to begin. Please get in touch with me for a private conversation.

We will assess how we can make sure you are giving your best care with cats and dogs while you are traveling. 
Reach out to Set Up Your Personal Meeting With VickiWe'll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet owners be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.