Letting you know Healing Your Animal has gone virtual for all sessions and classes until further notice.
What this means if you are not in the Seattle area, you will have more class opportunities and sessions continue as normal.
If you are in the Seattle area, classes that were in person are now live over Zoom (a free video conferencing tool) and sessions are conducted over the phone, FaceTime, Zoom while we are practicing social distancing and staying home.
With the pandemic happening, being home bound, not clear what the future holds, it's a good time to get in touch with what really matters in your life. And if you're like me, your pet(s) come high on the list.
You may have noticed your pet(s) acting differently. They may be more:
or other behaviors
Being home bound you know how you are feeling, possibly stir crazy, maybe even bored. Your pet is probably feeling the same.
You are out of your normal routine. Chances are your pet's routine has shifted.