Subject: Are you ready to Align with Your Freedom?

Are you ready to Align with Your Freedom?
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers.

How is your March going for you? Has your energy been up, down and all around? The energies of our seasons here in the Pacific Northwest have been. It is switching from spring to winter back and forth lately. 
Today is a great day to take a moment and write down what you would like more of in your to have more freedom. You will want to be sure to check out my guest speakers in this issue for an easy way to allow more freedom in your life now. 

Miranda’s class had a zoo field trip this week where I chaperoned and it was so much fun! The animals were very eager to show themselves to us. We received a presentation in the Northern section learning all about how the animals are made to thrive in the cold climates versus the animals in the hot climates. I see animals differently now. It is fun to see the gorillas eating carrots and broccoli. And the monkeys were eating apples. How appropriate for good examples to the children to eat healthy snacks.
The Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show was in Seattle last weekend. I was there supporting my clients and having fun watching them compete. This photo is of Wiley getting Best in Group for the dog herding group.
For the past few years, I teach dog massage to a local 4 H club and 2 of the girls in this class competed. This is Alexis with X, her Bouvier, standing in line before going into the show ring. I admire how calm she appeared.
This is Sue with Lucy. Lucy is a rat terrier. Lucy was my very first agility dog client 9 years ago and this is Lucy competing in obedience. This started out my supporting many dog athletes ranging from my clients who compete for fun to top National performing dogs. I am so proud of all of my clients and their achievements in their events.
It turned out Sue had 2 dogs showing in the ring at the same time on one event and she asked me to go in with her. I was to follow her lead. That was great until she got disqualified and then I had to lead. Wow, it was obvious then that I hadn’t been trained for it. :-) It was exciting to participate and experience the ring first hand and realize how much detail there is to know when competing.

One of the highlights of my day at the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show was I got to see my friend, Julie Forbes, with Dog Talk Radio Show. Julie shared a wonderful story of how my helping her with her dogs has had an even bigger impact with other dogs. 

To hear the rest of this story, you will want to check out this ezine’s client interest and tip below. 

And if you know this is something important you would like support with, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
People Vibrations
Featured Essence
Are you ready to let align with your authentic self?
Are you ready to align with your ideal life?
Are you ready to align with the infinite, abundant Universe?

The Vi Miere Alignment essence aligns us with all that "IS" for us.

It assists in aligning with God, Source, Universe, Divine, Higher Self, Higher Power, etc. whatever that is for you.

It can also be used to align yourself with a presentation you are doing, a class you are teaching, your ideal clients, your ideal income, whatever alignment you would like support with.

If you desire more Alignment in your life, click Spa Essence Specials now.

Animal Vibrations
Featured Essence:
Would you like a simple tool to help your cat and dog’s energy have more zest? This will promote more interest in playing and doing what they love to do.

Vi Miere’s Motivation essence assists clearing your animal’s sluggishness and loss of interest in things they used to like so they can have more oomph in their stride and demeanor.

If you desire Motivation’s support for you or your animals, click Animal Essence Specials now.

Upcoming Classes
Vibrational Living Healing Group is here!
Wow, what a powerful Vibrational Living Healing Group we have! I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them.

Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:

“I recently participated in Vicki's Vibrational Living Healing call. I had just received some unsettling news but could not deal with it until the next day so I decided to dial in to Vicki's Vibrational Healing call. I was feeling quite anxious and not wanting to sit still but as soon as I connected with Vicki and focused on what she was talking about, I started to feel better. As the session progressed I could feel the positive energy that was flowing in my body. I was concerned about getting a good night's sleep but I found the session helped me to relax to get that good night's sleep. I will definitely be participating in as many of these sessions as possible! Thanks, Vicki.”
    Kathy Janzen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

My goal is to make this easy-breezy for all of us to come together for healing, raising our vibrations and our animal’s vibrations living our best lives making a difference in the world.

It is now set up for you to have the ability to participate on your computer as well as the phone for these events. Yay! So no matter where you live or travel to, you can easily join in. 
Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link: 

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living.

I am so excited to be on this journey with you and look forward to our year of raising your vibrations, your healing skills, you and your animal’s optimal health and manifesting your dreams.

Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group

Topic: Aligning with Your Divine Flow!

We are in a planetary energy flow. Are you feeling it? We have the choice of how to be in this flow. We can be a boulder resisting it to all the way on the other end of the scale in our own boat riding the current going with it. Where are you? I invite you to be on the call to shift your energies into alignment with your authentic self, your true calling and the life you desire to be living now at this very moment. The good news is there is no reason to wait. I look forward to being with you on our call!

March 20th, 2013
6:00pm Pacific 

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

Featured Guests!
Are you tired of chasing the next thing that will help you find it?

I invite you to drop everything, check out this video and consider...

What does Freedom mean to you?

Click now to watch the video:

Join me and my friends, Kyrsten Barrett, Hobie Hare and Harsimrit Kaur, on March 26, 27 & 28 at 1:00 PM Eastern for a Freedom-Inspiring, Fun, F.R.E.E. Tele-Series
Spring Into Your Freedom:
Three Essentials for Liberating Your Spirit
I am so excited to share with you an opportunity to experience the energy of true FREEDOM! I personally know and appreciate Harsimrit, Hobie and Kyrsten and I am so delighted to share their wonderfulness of a sweet taste of Freedom with you.

We are thrilled to bring you the power of our shared vision of Ultimate Freedom so you can experience Limitless Space, Time, Creativity and Adventure for yourself!

Be sure to check out their video here

Be sure to reserve Your spot here!
Client Interest for You!
One of the highlights of my day at the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show last Sunday was I got to see my friend, Julie Forbes, with Dog Talk Radio Show and reconnect with Leya her dog. I got to hear all about Julie’s upcoming TV show and I am so excited for her. I will have more for you on that when the official kick-off happens.

Julie shared a wonderful story of how our time together with her dogs has had an even bigger impact with her work with other dogs. I have known Julie 9 years. I helped her with her dog, Chewy, keeping him healthy and vibrant. On one visit, Chewy was really not doing well. Our focus was on supporting Chewy with providing natural pain relief, seeing what information came forward on how to best support him and see where is issue may be coming from. It turns out he had a stomach cancer that wasn’t turning around. Sessions were then about Chewy’s transitioning. After Chewy passed, Leya, Julie’s other dog was having some physical issues Julie was concerned about. It turned out to be grief related. Our session helped Leya process grief that she was helping Julie process and then what she was processing on her own.

With Julie and her evolution in her work now, she was helping a dog that had been to the vet, specialists, tests, etc. and nothing was showing up as to what was causing this dog’s skin irritations on its chest and front left leg. 
She had a flashback to our session where Leya was harboring grief over Chewy’s passing and this dog was having issues in the same physical area. Julie used Reiki with the dog and the symptoms went away. This brought such great joy to me when I heard this story. How a session with me doing what I did to help her dog can then years later help another dog in such a big way! Evidence my mission is working and making a difference in a way I didn’t even know about until now.
You can hear what Julie has to say:

"I took my senior dog, Chewy, to Vicki for massage and energy work and we both loved the session! Chewy definitely felt relaxed and cleared after a visit with Vicki and I would highly recommend any pet owner to use Vicki's services. She is wonderful!"
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

“Vicki noticed something was going on in Chewy's abdominal area before the vet found the bleeding and cancer.
She has an energetic scan and she is the real deal.”
Julie Forbes - Sensitive Dog - The Dog Talk Show - Seattle, WA

Useful Tip for You!
Tip : When your cat or dog has an unexplained illness or symptoms and the vet cannot diagnose it, there may be an emotional issue going on. Grief is one emotion and it is a big issue that our animals do suffer from just as we do and it can lead to physical issues taking on different forms. They are more sluggish and not interested in things like they used to. They are clingy where they weren’t before. They may growl or bark more than they used to. They may have skin irritations, upset stomach, hard to breathe or other symptoms. Or you get a sense that something is “off” and you cannot quite put your finger on it.

The good news is there is something you can do when your cat’s and dog’s physical symptoms arise from an emotional issue. The biggest clue here is when the vet cannot diagnose it and something is definitely wrong and off with your cat and dog. I am here to support you with this to get your cats and dogs back to their perky, playful, loving selves! 

How to take this further...
If you are a person who has a cat or dog that hasn’t been them self lately and you are concerned, please get in touch with me for a complimentary private conversation.

We will assess and determine the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to our lives. :-)

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.