Subject: Are you ready for Summer, Fall and Transitions?

Are you ready for Summer, Fall and Transitions?
Here's a warm wish welcome to my new subscribers!
Here I am enjoying Central Park in NYC. It is gorgeous in the summer! I am sitting on a big slap of Manhattan Schists, the combination of minerals that the whole island of Manhattan is built on, and feeling its powerful energy. It is no wonder so many people are drawn to such a small area.
Living in Seattle, I enjoy the sun wherever I am!

Are you enjoying your summer what is left of it? There is still plenty of sun and time for fun even with it being back to school time and transitioning from summer schedule to school schedule and routine.

If you are a person who has an animal and may have to leave them overnight at the vet, you want to make sure that you check this issues tip. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.

People Vibrations
"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas Edison

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
- Will Rogers

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle

Featured Essence
This month has 2 featured essences:


The Vi Miere Desires is a great essence when you wish to attract your wishes into your physical reality.

It uses the "power of the Ask", to help you life the life you choose. Simply make a wish, spray Desires and be open to receiving.

With our last month of Summer and school starting back up soon, use Desires to create a weekend getaway or schedule your vacation you may have put off and have fun now.

Are you ready to create your best life? Click Specials Now!


The Vi Miere Transition is a great essence when you are in a change. It is important now, because we are transitioning from summer into back-to-school.

Transition is very helpful in supporting you with your new routine, adjusting to your children not being home and going back to school. Maybe you are moving or recently moved, this will help make your move have more peace. Simply spray and manage your transition with ease.

This month, I have helped a cat who was seriously ill and overnight at the vet a few nights. When the cat went home, the other cat in the house started hiding. Transition helped to ease the transition of the change with the animal schedule (leaving and coming home) and recovery in the household.

Are you ready to switch gears for back-to-school? Click Specials Now!
Animal Vibrations
Featured Essence:

This month's featured essences are:


"I LOVE the serene mist! I am a mobile dog groomer, introduced to you at the Tacoma WA grooming trade show, and it really works!

A client has an 8 year old cocker spaniel with grooming issues. I used the serene mist with her, a gentle T- Touch massage technique from Linda Tellington-Jones, and soothing spa music while grooming her yesterday, and for the first time in 8 year, Chula did not have diarrhea on the grooming table : ).

So thank you so much for introducing me to your mists, it really has made a great difference in the lives of so many scared puppies."

Becci Bergman, Divine Canine Mobile Dog Grooming

The Serene essence helps you and your animals be more at peace. It provides a calming effect when sprayed. Serene provides shifting from anxious feelings where your dog is jumping around somewhat out-of-control to calming and being their awesome all four paws on the floor dog in a matter of seconds. The animals respond to the calming energy of the spray and you feel yourself taking a relaxed sigh of relief breath.

Groomers have found the Serene useful for the time your animals are there with them. It helps calm and relax them and have a very enjoyable grooming experience.

Are you a person who is on edge when your dog bounces and jumps excitedly and uncontrollably?

You can benefit too with spraying Serene. Click Specials Now!


The Protection essence helps you and your animals keep your energy fields clear and protected from unwanted energies. Protection provides a calming effect when sprayed for dogs who are on vigile alert or very nervous. It helps your dogs feel safe.

Multi-family cat households with a cat who bullies another cat can benefit using Protection. It helps both cats feel their space and reduces the need for fighting. Your cats will thank you for this support.

Are you a person who works around a lot of people? Is your dog around a lot of people?

Protection can help you stay more energized. Click Specials Now!

Upcoming ANIMAL Classes

3 Keys to take your healing work with animals to a deeper level using the magical power of essences

Listen and learn from master animal intuitive and healing expert, Vicki Draper, as she shares and teaches you the 3 keys to working with the magical power of essences. As part of your physical animal healing work, Vicki will demonstrate how various elements of essences create cellular shifts at an energetic level, bring the healing work beyond the physical and support physical touch even after your hands have left the animal's body with issues such as hyper active, separation anxiety, restlessness due to crate or stall rest from injury, arthritis, dysplasia, pain management and dealing with transitions and change. She will share a real time success stories as well as provide interactive learning and training with you, dogs and horses. As an extra bonus, you will receive a 3 essence Animal Healing kit to take with you serving the animals you help on a deeper level.

Sunday Sept 9th 10 - 4

Northwest School of Animal Massage
Vashon Island, WA
Signup and more info: 3 Keys to Healing with Crystal Essences

Reiki I for You and Your Animals

The first level of Reiki training teaches you the philosophy and history of Reiki, attunes you to work directly with Reiki, and allows you ample opportunity for safe, hands-on practice with people, plants, and animals.

Saturday Sept 29th 10 - 4
Kirkland, WA
Sign up and more info: Reiki I Class

Reiki II for You and Your Animals

Now that you've taken Reiki I and you are ready to take your Reiki training to the next level, Reiki II is a more in-depth tool set to expand your support for your family, your animal companions and your clients! And, it is easy to learn!

The second level of Reiki training teaches you the sacred Reiki symbols and how to use them and expand your Reiki to work distantly.

Saturday Oct 20th 10 - 4
Kirkland, WA
Sign up and more info: Reiki II Class

Client Interest for You!

Kyrsten has 4 dogs and she first came to me for support because 2 of them (Abby and Kali) were not getting along.  She was going to be going on two trips (a 4 night trip followed closely by a 2 week trip) and her dogs were going to be kenneled for their first time.  She was concerned to leave Abby and Kali together in the kennel in a strange place and desired to have them be at peace with each other. She also wanted all of the dogs comfortable with their kennel stay.  Kyrsten wanted to be able to enjoy her trip and not worry about her dogs getting along.

We had our first session together and cleared issues between Abby and Kali and prepared all of her dogs (Abby, Kali, Toby and Taylor) for their first kennel stay.   Toby is the small dog in the photo and really wants to be seen and noticed.  When they got to the kennel, Toby was running up and down the isles making sure he was seen.  Then he went peacefully into the kennel.  I so wish I could have been there to see that.  It made me smile to hear about it (from Toby’s perspective).  Kyrsten called to check in on them and found out visitors touring the kennel for their first time thought her dogs were regulars because they were so comfortable with their stay.  Our preparing session really supported them and set them up for their 2 week stay to also be a success.  I received word back that Abby, Kali, Taylor and Toby’s 2 week kennel stay also went great.  I love hearing when animals and their guardians are all happy.

The techniques we used to help Kyrsten and her 4 dogs have successful kennel stays are the same techniques I taught in my recent Spot, Stay!  Confidently and Lovingly Preparing and Supporting Your Cats and Dogs While You Travel Teleseminar.  I hope all of you who signed up for this teleclass have great success using these techniques with your cats and dogs.   For those who are interested in learning these techniques and didn’t get a chance to sign up, I have something coming soon for you, so stay tuned.

During my session with Kyrsten,  all 4 dogs were going crazy barking and running around in the background.  By the end of the session, Kyrsten made a video for you to see the difference in them.  They totally took in the session and embraced relaxation.

Click to See for Yourself: Toby, Kali, Taylor and Abby

Useful Tip for You!

We have talked about the power of the blink when you leave your animals for travel. Now, I’d like to share a very useful place for you to use your blink to help your animal.

Tip:  When your cat, dog or horse has to be left at the vet due to not feeling well, show them in blinks (for days/nights) they will be there.

This is a very important time to communicate with the blink to let your cats and dogs know how long they will be there before coming back home.  If there is a case, you don’t know how many days/nights they will be staying at the vet, then show them the number of blinks until you come visit them again.  

You know how upset you feel when your cat, dog or horse is sick and they require vet support, just imagine what your cat, dog or horse is feeling.  They get scared being left, not knowing what to expect and you aren’t there to comfort them.  When your cat, dog or horse is sick and having to have overnight vet care and support, your cat, dog or horse will feel a whole lot better having information of when they will see you next, when they will be coming home and what is going on.

How to take this further...

If you are a person who is currently living with cats and dogs, you want to have extra support with the critical care of your very special animals, please get in touch with me for a private conversation and we'll see how we can make sure you and your cats and dogs are fully supported.  In the case where you and your vet suspect your animal may not be coming home and that it is their time to pass, there are things I can help support you and your animal with this transition.  Reach out to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

My heart goes out to each of you living and caring for animals.  They are precious beings and add such joy to our lives.  Bless each moment you have with them.  :-)

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232


Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.