| Healing Your Animal Ezine |
| Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers and you. |
| Happy Halloween!
I know this is more of an American thing and some people here go all out.
My BNI networking group this week had a crazy hat/mask day, so as a Healing Your Animal Expert, I went as a crazy cat. It was a lot of fun.
Halloween is today, so another important and practical way to support your animals in being safe. If you live with animals, you will want to be sure to check out this issue's tip below.
As animal lovers, you will want to check out this week's Client Interest story. It really tugs at your heart strings when miracles occur and guardians are ecstatic. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me.
| | Protection
Why Protection?
You and your animals have an energy field that some people see and many do not. The clarity of your energy field impacts your whole life and your health. Even though you cannot see it, it is there and you need to know about it so you can take the best care of you and also your animals.
Your cats and your dogs are most likely more energy sensitive than you are. They're aware of energy that you might not have a clue about. This sensitivity affects their behavior and how they feel.
Protection can help you and your animals not absorb and not take on energetic clutter around you as you go about your day.
Are you busy? Are you stressed? Do you feel like you are running a mile-a-minute to get things done and you don’t have time to rest?
You are out in the world, interacting with people, having stressful encounters and bringing that home to your loving animals. They love you so much they are taking it away from you to help you. And then they may have trouble clearing from themselves where it turns into physical issues for your animals.
You may work at home and your animal is there with you all day. Your animal is affected by all of your interactions especially your stressful interactions.
What you are protecting from is other people’s energy, other people’s frustrations, other people’s anger, other people’s stuff they are processing and dealing with.
What you are protecting your animals from is your energy, your bad days, and all of the other people's bad days you have brought home with you. They love you and naturally want to help you, so even if you tell them not to take on your stuff, they still will. So it is your responsibility to protect them.
and support you and your animals feeling better, having more energy and maintaining wellness. (*essences are in alphabetical order) |
| |  | There are 3 topics I currently teach in my free teleclasses - Ground, Clear and Protection.
The reason is these 3 energy management techniques are key to your and your animals living life with more energy and joy.
The Healing Your Animal Communication Program is exclusively designed for a select group who come together 7 weeks to learn grounding, clearing and protecting techniques for you and your animals, you get on the same channel of communication with your animals, you strengthen your intuition and communicate with other animals for lots of practice. As a bonus, you receive insights, practical and energetic steps, to create a new awareness of how you relate with your animal.
We start on December 2nd, to support your animals through the holiday season. Just because you are busy during the holiday season, your animals and their health needs are still there. They don't stop. Your animals and their needs are a daily occurrence. And because you are extra busy during the holidays, it is even more reason to provide extra support for your loving animals. You and your animals will have a calmer and more harmonious holiday season.
This is your KEY to... • stop living in chaos• having harmony in your household • getting better quality of sleep• having peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can for your cats, your dogs to have good quality of life • understanding what your precious cat, loving dog are already so desperately trying to tell youHere is what you will receive: - 6 - 60 minute training calls,
- Supporting videos and documents to deepen the training
- Lots of animal communication practice with other animals
- A private group forum to connect, share experiences, learn from each other, support each other, get unlimited support & questions answered and stay connected through this 7 week journey
I invite you to reserve your spot - Click to send an email to info@HealingYourAnimal.com put "Yes, I am interested" in the subject line. Time Sensitive >>>I invite you to get in on the 45% early early bird saving with sending your email now while it is fresh on your mind (this special offer goes away midnight TONIGHT). Sending your email guarantees you the 45% early early bird saving. We will set up a time convenient for you to talk in the next week to give you all of the details, answer any questions and explore if this class is good fit for you. It is that easy. |
| | | "Samson was 10 ½ when he woke up one morning and he couldn’t walk. It was very frightening and I didn’t know what to do. We gave it a day to see what would happen. Nothing did. I called a vet where Samson received acupuncture that gave small improvement. Not much. Vicki has this talent of vibrational healing from distance. There is definitely distance from Seattle to Calgary. Samson had his first session that went really well. Right after hanging up from our session, we carried Samson out to go potty. All of a sudden Samson stood up and he teetered over to the tree and lifted his leg which he had not been able to do up until now within 5 minutes after the session. This was amazing to me. It worked!
We have been doing maintenance sessions because I knew there was residual old issues that needed to be resolved. Samson is now doing so much better. He is thriving looking like a puppy running around getting into trouble. I didn’t think he would ever recover from not being able to walk and not knowing why, working with Vicki exceeded any expectations I had by far helping Samson. I went from being in shock from one day he was fine and the next day he couldn’t walk. I was terrified he was going to be like this the rest of his life. I was very sad. I was thinking about quality of life and would I have to put him down. After his miracle recovery, I am so joyful. Every day is a blessing because we love to watch him run around having fun. This has improved our quality of time together.
I was not familiar with distance healing, so I didn’t think of Vicki immediately. I was skeptical at first; yet, I knew I had to try it. After seeing the drastic immediate improvement in him, I was astounded. I am grateful, happy and ecstatic that you were able to help him!"
Kathy Janzen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
| | Tip: Make sure you keep away glow sticks from your cats and dogs - especially your cats.
Level of toxicity: Generally mild to moderate
How to use this:
Common signs to watch for: - Profuse drooling
- Gagging
- Retching
- Pawing at the mouth
- Redness to the eyes
- Redness to the skin
- Vomiting
During certain holidays, glow sticks and glow jewelry may be more readily available. These contain dibutyl phthalate (often nicknamed “DBP”) inside, which is the clear to yellow, oily liquid that has a very bitter taste. One bite can result in DBP leaking from the glo stick, and result in profuse drooling, gagging, and retching. DBP can also result in irritation to the skin and eyes, resulting in a burning or stinging sensation. As cats are fastidious groomers, they end up ingesting more and more as they clean the DBP off their fur and paws. While the chemical DBP itself isn’t very “toxic,” it can result in significant and dramatic signs. If you think your dog or cat chewed into glow jewelry, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline for treatment advice.
Have a fun and safe Halloween! |
| How to take this further... |
| This is only the tip of the iceberg for steps you can take to support your animals living their best.
To deepen support for your animals through the holiday season, you are invited to join the Healing Your Animal Communication Program.
This program is exclusively designed for a select group who come together 7 weeks to learn grounding, clearing and protecting techniques for you and your animals, you get on the same channel of communication with your animals, you strengthen your intuition and communicate with other animals for lots of practice. As a bonus, you receive insights, practical and energetic steps, to create a new awareness of how you relate with your animal.
Just because you are busy during the holiday season doesn't mean your animals are immune to this. Your animals are busy supporting you and their health and behavioral needs are heightened. Your animals and their needs are a daily occurrence. And because you are extra busy during the holidays, it is even more reason to provide extra support for your loving animals. You and your animals will have a calmer and more harmonious holiday season. I invite you to Click to send an email to info@HealingYourAnimal.com put "Yes, I am interested" in the subject line. Time Sensitive >>>I invite you to get in on the 45% early early bird saving with sending your email now guarantees you receive the 45% early early bird saving.(this special offer goes away midnight TONIGHT). We will set up a time convenient for you to talk in the next week to give you all of the details, answer any questions and explore if this class is good fit for you. It is that easy. |
| I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
| Dedicated to your animal's healing, |
| Vicki Draper, Healing Your Animal Expert
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections |
| P.S.. Take practical steps this Halloween to protect and keep your animals safe. Keep them inside on Halloween. Do not give your animals any candy and keep them away from glow jewelry and glow sticks.
Before another day goes by that you are wondering if there is more you can do to provide great care for your cat and your dog, frustrated knowing they are already so desperately trying to tell you something and you just don't understand, I invite you to take action to learn more now.
I invite you to reserve your spot - Click to send an email to info@HealingYourAnimal.com put "Yes, I am interested" in the subject line. Time Sensitive >>>I invite you to get in on the 45% early early bird saving with sending your email now while it is fresh on your mind (this special offer goes away midnight TONIGHT). Sending your email guarantees you the 45% early early bird saving.We will set up a time convenient for you to talk in the next week to give you all of the details, answer any questions and explore if this class is good fit for you. It is that easy. |
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