Are you and your animals pack aligned with your true self? |
Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers.
Welcome to the month of March where we are in a planetary energy flow. Are you feeling it? We have the choice of how to be in this flow. We can be a boulder resisting it to all the way on the other end of the scale in our own boat riding the current going with it. Where are you?
I just returned from 5 days in Santa Fe, New Mexico! It was awesome! In some ways I felt like I was in a foreign country. They like putting green chili in a lot of things including hash browns and chocolate. I was also surprised to see chocolate covered bacon on a dessert menu. I had carrot cake one night from an award winning chef. The presentation was even better than this picture captured and the taste was delicious! The best part of my trip and receiving training is that it enables me to deliver even more high service to you, my valued community.
How are your cats and dogs behaving? Does your cat or dog shy away when you try to pet him in certain areas? Does your cat or dog nip at you when you rub a certain spot on their body? If this sounds familiar, you will want to check out this ezine’s tip. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation. |
Are you ready to let align with your authentic self? Are you ready to align with your ideal life? Are you ready to align with the infinite, abundant Universe?
The Vi Miere Alignment essence aligns us with all that "IS" for us.
It assists in aligning with God, Source, Universe, Divine, Higher Self, Higher Power, etc. whatever that is for you.
It can also be used to align yourself with a presentation you are doing, a class you are teaching, your ideal clients, your ideal income, whatever alignment you would like support with. If you desire more Alignment in your life, click Spa Essence Specials now. |
Would you like a simple tool to help your cat and dog’s energy have more zest? This will promote more interest in playing and doing what they love to do. Vi Miere’s Motivation essence assists clearing your animal’s sluggishness and loss of interest in things they used to like so they can have more oomph in their stride and demeanor.
Vibrational Living Healing Group is here! |
Wow, what a powerful Vibrational Living Healing Group we have! I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them. Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:
“I recently participated in Vicki's Vibrational Living Healing call. I had just received some unsettling news but could not deal with it until the next day so I decided to dial in to Vicki's Vibrational Healing call. I was feeling quite anxious and not wanting to sit still but as soon as I connected with Vicki and focused on what she was talking about, I started to feel better. As the session progressed I could feel the positive energy that was flowing in my body. I was concerned about getting a good night's sleep but I found the session helped me to relax to get that good night's sleep. I will definitely be participating in as many of these sessions as possible! Thanks, Vicki.” Kathy Janzen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My goal is to make this easy-breezy for all of us to come together for healing, raising our vibrations and our animal’s vibrations living our best lives making a difference in the world.
It is now set up for you to have the ability to participate on your computer as well as the phone for these events. Yay! So no matter where you live or travel to, you can easily join in.
Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link:
The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living. I am so excited to be on this journey with you and look forward to our year of raising your vibrations, your healing skills, you and your animal’s optimal health and manifesting your dreams.
Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group
Topic: Aligning with Your Divine Flow! March 21st 6:00pm Pacific $FREE
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.
The hardest part of my service is when a client’s animal transitions from physical form to spiritual form. Not only does my client have grief; I do too. I absolutely love my clients and their wonderful animals. It is such a joy to provide great care for them. And one of my clients transitioned this week. Annie was an 18 year old calico cat. She loved the energy work and responded so well. She would generally be curled up on her guardian’s desk sleeping while she worked. So this is where Annie would be when I would visit. She would get up and turn around presenting the spot she wanted me to work with. When she was done with that spot, she would turn and present another one. She would ssstttrrrreeettttcccchhh on release and then settled back in. She was such a delight.
The interesting part is Annie helped her guardian believe in and see the benefits of energy work. She wasn’t sure about it; yet yay for her that she was open. And after witnessing Annie in our first visit, she totally knew there was clearly something great happening. Annie responded in ways she didn’t normally during our session and afterwards would move better, look better, have more appetite and she was eating and pooping better after our sessions.
Annie had a big presence about her. She lived with a 146 pound Italian Mastiff and she definitely had him giving her space. Her guardian knows Annie lives on in spirit; yet, on a physical level her sleeping on the desk at work and her cuddles by the fire will certainly be missed.
It is times like this to remember to embrace and love your cat and dog as much as you possibly can while they are here. Your time together is precious and priceless.
Tip : When your cat or dog nips at you, it doesn’t automatically mean he/she is being aggressive. This is the only way they have to communicate in a clear manner. It may mean they have a physical pain issue occurring. In the past, I volunteered at the Humane Society doing massages on dogs. The time I spent there was very rewarding. I would massage a dog, help them feel better and the next week they would get adopted. (especially if they had been there awhile before the massage) There was one particular dog that was very nippy and they almost didn’t have me work with him. I am so glad they did. It turned out he had a tight neck muscle and every time I got near it, he would turn to try and nip. As soon as the muscle relaxed, he totally stopped nipping. He was so relaxed and acting like a regular dog. Now he could be adopted!
How to take this further... |
If you are a person who looks at this picture of my daughter, Miranda, and my client, Guido, and says “my dog would not like that” or “I cannot see my dog letting her do that”, I invite you to have a complimentary conversation with me to see if what I offer can help your dog be more comfortable.
Or if you are currently living with cats and dogs who are sensitive to hand motions around their head or body or nip at you when touch a certain place on their body, please get in touch with me for a private conversation. We will assess how we can make sure your cats and dogs are fully heard and feeling better and you receive the message they are telling you. Reach out to Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki. We’ll find the next best steps for your specific needs.
I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.
Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki
I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to our lives. Bless each moment you have yours. :-)
Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
www.HealingYourAnimal.com 425-785-4232
Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.