Subject: Are You interested in creating more for your holiday shopping?

Hello Cat and Dog Lovers!

Today I am here to talk about manifesting wealth. Now, you may be wondering “why would an Animal Healing Expert be talking to me about manifesting wealth?”

Wealth has many forms, wealth of friends, success, abundance, love, joy, wealth of gratitude (great for American Thanksgiving) and money.

Money sometimes seems like a bad word or forbidden word to talk about. Yet, it is an important part of our culture as an energy of exchange. 
What I have discovered is that everyone has a money story. By this, I mean, everyone has his/her own unique relationship with money. This relationship affects you every day with your money flow into and out of your life whether you realize it or not. Your money story impacts the life you create. And it really becomes apparent and amplified at the time of the holidays.

If you constantly find yourself thinking or even saying “I don’t have the money…” , this is what you create and you will continue to create situations where you don’t have the money until you change your money story. 

I know. I experienced this first hand and it wasn’t fun. Now, I travel and have fun. I just returned from Ft. Lauderdale FL being featured on stage in front of 100 people being witnessed and celebrated for my growth serving and living my purpose. And Saratoga Springs, NY mastermind training event with my business coach along with 20 powerhouse entrepreneurs. Some of my fellow entrepreneur friends shared fun stories of generating $55,000 in 3 weeks and $30,000 in one day! I am so blessed to share this journey with these amazing women.

I truly am interested in helping you make positive shifts in your life, so you can have more fun and live more in your purpose.

Do you have a money story that is impacting you from living your most abundant life?

Would you like more money flowing into your life?

Would you like to have more freedom to have fun?

To support you, I have created an essence set, Manifesting Wealth Now!, to help you clear money blocks and limiting patterns to allow more money and prosperity to flow into your life. This easy-to-use, scent-free wealth building tool set consists of 5 – 1 oz essences:
Manifesting Wealth Now!

Clear – clear your money blocks, opening you to receive even more

Alignment – align with divine and all that you desire

Grounded While Soaring – assists keeping you grounded while soaring into new heights and growth

Manifest – is created with a rare manifesting crystal, so spray for what you want more of and be open to receiving :-)

Wealth – helps you create a healthy relationship with money and a “wealth” of other things such as love, family, exotic trips
Ready to have this for you with a one-time special of $20 savings ending Friday at midnightclick: Manifesting Wealth Now!

Don’t just take my word for it…

Hear what Mimi Quick Creator of the Prosperity Muse and Evolve Your Energy In Business has to say:

"Vicki is a beautiful spirit inside and out who really exudes compassion. As a friend and colleague I love the Vi Miere Essences as they add an extra Good layer of energy to my day. Being a healer, a natural born psychic and transformational coach for spirit-prenuers I empower my clients and students to align to their missions and prosper. Vi Miere Essences fits right in to give that extra boost in my energy field. I noticed that I increased my JOY, LOVE, and WEALTH vibes. I also cleared some huge money leaks within days of using the product and feel even more grounded to my soul’s path and mission.”

Get your essences now with one-time special offering, click: Manifesting Wealth Now!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,

Vicki Draper
International Animal Communicator and Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections
for You and Your Animals
p.s. If you still have questions, if this in any way resonates with you go ahead, sign up to receive this amazing offer before it disappears Friday at midnight and then reach out to my client care team and we will connect for a call to make sure this is a right fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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