Subject: Animal Allergies? Discover unexpected support..

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!
For the Pacific northwest, it is spring.  Here is a gorgeous pink bloom sharing it for those of you who are still in winter.

My mom and sister were home-bound with 9 inches of snow earlier in the week and then received more snow. My daughter wanted to go to KY for her mid-winter break from school.  I am glad we stayed here.  We enjoyed the spring weather this week.  And I was able to do some spring cleaning.

It feels so good to clear out the old clutter, releasing what is no longer needed and opening the way for the new.  

Sometimes when things are moving and changing, things get stirred up.  In this case, it really stirred up my allergies.  I focused on the bright side of it being good to get clean and clear space.

If your furry child has allergies, you will want to check out this issue's tip below.

And if you have any concerns with your cat/your dog's allergies and health, I invite you to get in touch with me for what I like to call a Healing Your Animal Assessment, my gift to you to explore and determine your needs and best ways to support you. I invite you to click this link:

Healing Your Animal Assessment
Featured Essence
Energy Balance Essence
Would you like a simple tool to help you balance your cat and dog’s energy that promotes optimal health?

Is your cat frantic?
Is your dog hyper?
Is your horse restless?

Healing Your Animal's
Energy Balance essence assists clearing your animal’s energy fields, balancing the chakras and balancing the meridians all in one spray. 

It is a very powerful support tool in shifting from:

lethargy to zesty 
illness to wellness 
doing good to doing great

Energy Balance is a recommended staple essence. It is good for all situations and a great support for optimal health. 

Don't just take my word for it...

"My Australian Shephard always gets revved up at agility trials. We were at an away trial recently. Using Energy Balance was amazing. He was so settled; enough to curl up and sleep on his pillow like at home."

Anonymous - OH

I invite you click this link:

Energy Balance Essence

Have calm, optimal health with your animals 

You benefit with free shipping.
(free shipping and handling for all US orders
savings on S&H for overseas)

Helping you and your animals live happier, healthier and more harmoniously with the featured Energy Balance essence. Supporting you and your animals in 2015 being your best year yet.

Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Free Teleclass 

5 important things the vet won't tell you

that affects your animal's health and well-being

You will discover what you didn't know you didn't know empowering you with your animal's health.

I invite you to click here to reserve your spot:

Investment:  Free

Call in details will be provided on sign up.

Client Interest for You!
After facilitating a powerful phone healing session for private client, Kathy, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,  

Kathy first came to me when she woke up one morning to find her dog, Samson, paralyzed and unable to walk.  After seeing the vet and having acupuncture done with no visible results, she contacted me.  

Samson responded well and actually was able to stand on his own and peed immediately after his session.  Kathy was delighted with Samson able to walk again and he gained full mobility.  She was so impressed with the results with Samson, she continued providing healing support throughout his life.  After he transitioned, Kathy has continued to work with me receiving support for her health and well-being.

She is dealing with life where her mother is aging and has alzheimers.  And she recently had her father-in-law transition.  She has been focusing her sessions on staying grounded through all of this and reporting back that it is working.  She is feeling so much calmer.  She is not reacting to things she would have in the past. And she has more joy even in the midst of life happening. 

This week, after facilitating and supporting Kathy with her powerful private healing session, I was still in the aftermath of the healing energy. I took a walk down by the water. This seagull (featured in the photo) flew and stood right in front of me not afraid to get close. He was followed by a pair of mallard ducks and a grackle.  As I stood there, more gulls, more ducks and more grackles showed up.  I was surrounded. They were attracted to the healing energy still emanating from me.  

This reminded me of a scene from the movie Evan Almighty.  Have you seen this where the birds all fly to him?  I felt like this.  Evan was afraid of the birds.  In my case, it was beautiful and very serene and surreal to experience.

This is the same energy that is facilitated in my Healing Your Animal Group program coming soon.  To learn more about it, I invite you to click this link:

Enter your name and email to register for the teleclass. It is that simple.

Investment:  Free

I encourage you to do what you can to be there live.

Useful Tip for You!
Tasha, my cat who was 18 when I moved into a living space where she had allergies for the first time in her life. She was having nasal congestion and scratching her face a lot.

I learned this tip from my holistic vet.

Tip: When your cat or dog is snuffly and scratching his/her face, use green tea to decrease allergy symptoms.

How to Use This:  

Steep green tea for 2 minutes, let it cool and rub it on your animal's head and face with a cloth. 

This significantly decreased Tasha's sniffling and scratching while I worked on finding out what in the environment was causing her allergies. 

The tea lasts for 2 days, then make a fresh batch. This can be rubbed on as often as possible. 
Since I work from home, I was able to easily apply it 4 -5 times a day. As her symptoms decreased, I decreased the frequency of applications. 

Do what your schedule permits. If you can only do it morning and night, then that's what you do. A little works better than none at all.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who is interested in making sure your cat, dog and horse are happy, content and healthy and you are ready to do all you can as a responsible, loving pet guardian for them, 

I invite you to click this link below

5 Important Things Your Vet Won't Tell You Teleclass

About the health and well-being of your animals.

Discover what you didn't know that you didn't know for taking the best care of your loving animals.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, 

I invite you to click this link and register

5 Important Things Your Vet Won't Tell You Teleclass

Investment:  Free

Discover what you didn't know that you didn't know for taking the best care of your loving animals.

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians be as happy as possible!

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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