Subject: After surgery: Hear how cats Chamomile and Caspian got reunited with snuggles

Healing Your Animal Connection
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals!

Woman Reading a Book with Her Dog in the Sun
Photo by Pixabay
Here's a warm welcome to the new subscribers to the Healing Your Animal community and a heart-felt connection to existing subscribers.

I hope this finds you enjoying your summer (or winter if you're in the Southern hemisphere).

I've been enjoying getting outdoors hiking. And Saturday I'm going for an outdoor rock climb with other Geminis as a birthday climb. It's funny because when I started indoor rock climbing, I never thought I'd migrate to outdoor climbing too. It has!

Summer has the reputation of being fun in the sun, it's vacation time. Just because it is summer doesn't mean our pet's health doesn't need attention.  And surgeries may be needed.

While traditional veterinary care helps with the physical body, there is the energy body that is very important to take care of as well especially when surgery is involved.

Be sure to check out the interesting story what cat Chamomile had to say about cat Caspian after his surgery in the Client Story section below.  
Dog Preparing for Surgery
Photo by Pranidchakan Boonrom
Exercise for the Week:
Before your pet has surgery:

Discuss the surgery with your pet:
  • Your pet is going to know something is going on because you have it scheduled and you are probably worried about it. They will pick up on your worry and not feel unsettled.
  • When you discuss it with your pet, you are showing them mental pictures whether you realize it or not. Your pet understands more than you think. So, share with them what is happening. Be sure to share with them that you will be back to pick them up. They will be coming home again.
  • Note: Your pet doesn't keep eye contact with you like humans talking. That can be stressful to them. They will be listening even when they are not looking at you.
Have a pre-surgery healing session with a professional:
  • It helps your pet go into surgery with less muscle tension especially at site of surgery and will help them heal quicker and easier.
Calm, ground yourself, and take deep breaths the morning before taking your pet for surgery:
  • By relaxing yourself, it helps your pet relax. They look to you for guidance. If you're freaking out, they will be unsettled. And you will be concerned on some level as your fur baby is going in for surgery. The calming breaths will help you navigate this experience more easily.
If you desire assistance, please sign up for an Assessment and we'll set a time where I'll be able to help you and your pet have the communication clearly shared and the physical and energetic bodies prepared for surgery.
Learning Opportunities:
Vicki's Books Available for Your Reading

For a deeper bond with your pets and grounding techniques, here's a link to my first book:

For wellness massage techniques, here's a link to my second book:

For balancing your pet's chakras for optimum health and post-surgery support, here's a link to my third book:

Available in paperback and kindle.

I'd love to hear your experiences, email:

Client Story:
Chamomile and Caspian Reunited with Snuggles after Healing Session
Cats, Chamomile (black and white) and Caspian (orange) are normally kitties who snuggle a lot, groom each other and get along well. Caspian had surgery and things changed. It was more than the smell from the vet clinic that has some cats turn on each other when one comes home from surgery. 

At the start of our healing session, Chamomile and her pet parent, Carly, were in one room and Caspian was in the other room. They had been separated because they were not getting along. When they got together, they fought.  This had Carly upset and freaked out because she didn't know how to get them getting along again.

In communicating with Chamomile, she told me Caspian had a plug up his butt that she didn't like. It resembled the statement a person makes about another person with a stick up their butt. She was adamant that she had no interest in connecting with him in his current state. I said OK.

I checked in with Caspian. He did have a piece of energy in his lower chakras that resembled a plug. Caspian was ready to release this energy. It had gotten in there somewhere along the way in his surgery journey as it turns out he had complications and ended up having more than one surgery.

Releasing this energy for Caspian was like a pressure valve releasing to his system. It had been stuck there and he was being more assertive/aggressive and more wound up and skittish than his normal behavior.

After Caspian had this release, I had Carly have Chamomile and Caspian in the same room. The results were immediate. They bonded, they were friendly to each other and even curled up and snuggled with each other as you can see in the photo.  This photo was taken at the end of their healing session.

I checked in with Carly before writing this newsletter and she reported they are still getting along great.

It was interesting to me that Chamomile was very clear to what Caspian's issue was and communicated that to me. I am grateful I was able to support them getting back to a happy, harmonious relationship.

If you are ready for support with your precious pets, I invite you to sign up for my complimentary Assessment.

I have multiple ways of supporting your pet being happy, healthy, and harmonious.

One way is private sessions which you will learn about next.
More Exciting News
Finn at Whole Cat and Kaboodle
Now Available:

In person healing sessions for cats and dogs are available the 3rd Saturday of the month at:
The Whole Cat and Kaboodle
200 Kirkland Avenue Suite 202
Kirkland, WA 98033

Get in touch today to schedule your session: 

For your convenience, Zoom sessions are also still available.

Client Laura with her dog Henry during his Zoom session
Private Sessions Available
If you have concerns or issues with your pet(s), I invite you to have a 20-minute complimentary conversation I like to call Assessment. 

Simply click this link,  Healing Your Animal Assessment
Choose time and date that works with your schedule, and we will connect. Together we will form a plan of support and get you scheduled to get your pet back to feeling their best.

Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

I hope you enjoyed learning the importance of discussing your pet's surgery with them and how to best support them before going into surgery.  And hearing Chamomile and Caspian's story being reunited.


If you are ready to have your animal move and feel their best, I invite you to get in touch with me for your free 20-minute Assessment connection call as my gift to you. Together we'll formulate a plan to get healing support for your animal(s) whether virtual massage or in-person massage and have them moving with flexibility and ease.

Click Healing Your Animal Assessment fill in your name, email, phone number and select the time convenient for you on the calendar.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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