Deepening Love with You and Your Animals |
Hi Friend,
Healing Vibrations to You!
I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers. |
As part of my community, I know you are an animal lover. Are you a nature lover too? I love my morning walks connecting with nature. It is a great way to get grounded, renewed and refreshed to start my day. Here is a video from one of my recent walk of sleeping ducks. Allow the peace of them sleeping as the waves are coming in, to relax and open you to support in adding enjoyment to your day. |
In the spirit of New Years and my business retreat energy, I am offering Grounded While Soaring as my feature essence this month.
Grounded While Soaring provides a grounding effect while soaring in much higher vibrations and energies. This enables you to stay focus, clear, intuitive, open to higher wisdom and being grounded at the same time.
Are you ready to have grounded energies while you soar to new heights in your life?
Click now Yes, I am ready!
Your cats and dogs benefit from grounding too! |
Is your cat or dog a high-strung, nervous and shaky? Is your cat or dog bouncy and has a hard time settling down?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Vi Miere Ground essence will help your animal calm down and be more comfortable, giving both you more peace and ease.
Healing Your Animal Group Class |
You are invited to be one of 8 select people coming together for an animal connection journey.
In my upcoming Healing Your Animal Group, you: • Learn and strengthen your animal communication • Experience deeper connections with your animals • Learn healing techniques to support your loving animals in being and feeling their best It is an 8 week program that is filled with valuable information that will benefit you and your animals the rest of your time together.
• Receive: 8 - 1 hour teaching teleclasses • Participate in group Ning forum for regular connection during program • Receive class recordings, training handouts, videos • Communicate with group participant animals • Receive a Spot Light session with your animal to support with healing energies • Practice and strengthen animal communication muscle • And more...
Register Now: Healing Your Animal Group
You will receive the early-early bird tuition that is available to you and ends TONIGHT midnight Pacific.
For the first person who signs up, you will receive a 30 minute private healing session with me.
Meet Vulder. This is a photo taken after Healing Your Animal Group class where Vulder received his spot light feature. He loved receiving the calming, healing energies and participating in the class as calming techniques were being given. He is so relaxed and content. :-) |
Tip : Place your hand on your heart and feel your connection to your heart. Then focus on your animal's heart and connect the two of you.
This is a great exercise to do to connect deeper with your animal. Pay attention to their actions and reactions when you do this. You may be surprised what you discover. |
How To Take This Further... |
Learn more and deepen your connection with your cat, your dog...
The Healing Your Animal Group, is right for you if you:• have a desire to understand and communicate with your cat and your dog• know your cat, your dog are talking to you and you just are not understanding them• are telling your cat, your dog something and they are not listening or are not doing what you ask• desire to talk to animals that are not your own• would like to feel closer to your cat, your dog• would like to learn healing techniques to support your cat, your dog feeling and being his/her best• have multiple animals in your household who do not get along• desire to be in a group of animal loving people• desire to practice animal communication techniques and strengthen your skill• desire something new (bonding activity) to do with your cat, your dog• are really ready to hear what they have to sayRegister Now: Healing Your Animal Group Take advantage of the early-early bird tuition that is available to you and ends TONIGHT midnight Pacific.Be the first person who signs up, you will receive a 30 minute private healing session with me.
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians be as happy as possible! |
Abundance, Joy and Wealth, |
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
www.HealingYourAnimal.com 425-785-4232
Your animals are very happy with you being here. They are yearning for a greater understood connection between the two of you. Register Now: Healing Your Animal Group
You will receive the early-early bird tuition that is available to you and ends TONIGHT midnight Pacific. Be the first person who signs up, you will receive a 30 minute private healing session with me. P.P.S.
If this resonates with you and you have some questions, register now so you receive your special tuition rate before it ends and we will set up a time to talk to help answer any questions you have to make sure this is a good fit for you. |