Subject: [JV] Final leaderboard and cash prizes

Hi Friend: 

Thank you for your support of Graphic Design Academy! We had 466 funnel sales during the launch period. Our price is now set at $27 evergreen, and a coupon for $7 off is posted on the site. If you want a custom coupon, send me an email and I'll get you hooked up! 

Here's how the final leaderboard looks. I am paying out prizes now, so if you didn't get yours, please send me your Paypal address! 




Daniel Hall- $500


Daniel Taylor- $300


John Delavera- $100


John Thornhill- $75


June Ashley- $50


Nelson Long - $25




Digital Marketer Team


Yu Shaun & Cally Lee


Paul Counts


Shelley Penney
Sorin Constantin