Hi Friend
Niranjan and I just released Toon Presenters Expansion pack- It's a brand new package of animated characters. So I thought I would give you one of the characters to try out! The download link is down by my signature...
Toon Presenters Expansion is a collection of 10 BRAND NEW characters, in 10 brand new niches, drawn and animated in the style of the first release of Toon Presenters.
There is a great review on the website that gives you an idea of what the characters actually look like in a video!
This time we built diversity in right from the beginning.
Every character animation in our collection comes in 3 skin tone variations. So you don't have to buy an upsell to get the diversity that represents your audience!
You're going to love this pack which represents more business and lay people in your communities. Go quick and see it now while we are still in earlybird phase!
HURRY though- It's a dime sale!! Use coupon code "toonvip https://shelleypenney.com/recommends/ToonPresExp
Shelley Penney *Helping You Grow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download sample here in animated GIF or static PNG (They also come in MOV and SWF) Dietician FE 5 Poses GIF Files Dietician FE 5 Poses PNG Files