Hi Friend
Day 3- still hanging in with conversions over 10% across the funnel! Here's how the leaderboard looks!
#1 Dr. Roger Smith Looking good! #2 Nelson Long - SuperGoodProduct.com 7 sales from #1 #3 Andrew Darius 9 away from moving up #4 Lon Naylor 4 away from the money spot #5 Maulana Malik #6 Deni Iskandar #7 Todd Gross #8 John & Dave #9 Tony Earp #10 Scott Vogel And MANY MORE!
It's an $800 first place prize, and it's still anyone's game! Coupons codes (toonvip) will reduce to $2 at 10AM... where they will stay active until close.
Mail again for the best conversions all year! Here's the JV page. https://www.toonpresenters.com/expansion-jv Thanks as always for your support!
Shelley Penney Niranjan Pradhan