Hi Friend
Here's a new technology that I am ALL over! It's a new software that's going to put buy buttons, and other kinds of links right inside my videos. Aside from my marketing videos, I also have a jewelry business that's going to shoot through the roof with this new ability!
Right now you have an opportunity to win this new tech. Whether you win or not, you are going to want to look! I am actually going to be on this webinar too. If I don't win, I'm buying.
I'm thinking about all the applications for this technology- not just adding buy buttons inside my videos (I have a jewelry business) but all of the other kinds of links you can add- even just adding a link to a website is a big deal!
I will tell you more about this later- it doesn't officially go for sale until 11AM EST - but the webinar and demo starts at 10 so I wanted to give you time to prepare.
I really haven't been this excited about a new product for a long time. If you know me, you'll know I almost never buy products. I am fortunate enough to get review access for products I want to try. If I know I'm going to use something more than a couple of times, I fork over the money for it.
I am BEGGING this guy to take my money!
Get in on the webinar for a chance to win, and find out why I am so excited about this!
Shelley Penney
**Helping you grow
P.S. Today is the last day for this!
My friend and sometimes partner DeSafa Media has just released their latest template stack, and it's loaded with
479 new modern catchy ads templates for all your social media!
Use them yourself, or design ads for customers to supplement your income. It's pretty easy to get online advertising clients right now. So many people still haven't jumped online, hoping the pandemic wouldn't drag out so long, but they are feeling the pinch now, and they need you!
Watch the video to see incredible ads for next to nothing price!!