Subject: [Coupon Expiring] GrowViral: Automated Traffic, Leads & Sales... (Founder Deal)

Hey guys, my good friend Sam Bakker just reached out to me on Skype

and has given me access to his brand new Software called GrowViral.

...this is a really awesome business tool, take a look.

Use coupon: growviral8 ($8 Off) expires soon

>> See 'GrowViral' In Action And Get It Here Along With All The Bonuses

I am also offering some really HQ bonuses with this.

>> Preview all the bonuses here

Grow Viral is a brand new software For marketers who like free traffic.

It uses a unique referral system combined with social traffic and email to help users to generate more traffic leads and sales.

It does this using 3 key tools.

Sweepstakes, Unlockable Milestone Rewards, Competitive & interactive contests.

When you purchase Grow Viral. You'll be able to quickly and easily create viral campaigns that you can then embed on your Opt-in Pages or welcome pages.

This brand-new software automatically grows your subscriber list.

Simply swap out your old opt-in forms for a new GrowViral form.

Everyone who joins your subscriber list will now become an advocate.

They’ll automatically share your Opt-in page in order to gain points and prizes.

That’s just the beginning though because you can use this software in many different ways.

1. Pre-launch campaigns

Add a form to a pre-launch

campaign. New subscribers can

win prizes for sharing your

pre-launch page with their

friends over social media.

2. Opt-in Lead Gen campaigns

Offer rewards for when

new subscribers register.

When subscribers share your

Opt-in page with their

friends they unlock new


3. eCommerce Campaigns

When a new customer makes

purchase from your eCommerce

store. Offer a coupon discount

off their next purchase in

exchange for them sharing

the product they purchased

with their friends over

Social Media.

And much much more…

>> Go here right now to see this software in action and get it now

Best Regards,

Mark Mason