Subject: (Coming Up) Personalized Videos Made Easy +100 B'onuses

Coming up at 3pm ET/NY - Smart Video Evolution & My 100+ Bonuses

Real-time Personalized Videos That Engage & Convert
Create, Personalized Text To Speech and Perfect Cinematic Style Videos

That Star Your Customers With the new Personalized Video Text To Speech Creation Suite… 

Then... Get Them Out To The Masses With: 

1 Click Social Sharing To Over 40 Social Sites.

There's a webinar starting at 2pm EST (an hour before launch)

>> Sign up for the Webinar through this page here

I prepared a huge 100+ bonus package for you for this. (Also watch the cool demo video)

>> Preview Our Monster-Sized Premium Bonus Pack & Watch The Demo Here

Smart Video Evolution Features:

- In-Video & Text To Speech Video Personalization
- Personalized Text To Speech Video Creation
- Personalized Text To Speech Video Editing
- ​Personalized Text To Speech Video Player
- ​49 Personalized Text To Speech Voices
- ​29 Languages

>> Sign up for the Webinar through this page here

I'll let you know once the launch starts at 3pm ET/NY but In the meantime check out my

bonus page and sign up for the webinar through the link above.

Best Regards,

Mark Mason