Subject:ย ๐Ÿ’œ What does Sovereignty mean to you?๐Ÿ’œ

How do you see your future?

Greetings Divine Soul,

How's it going?

We hope you're having a great start to your week. Are you enjoying the sunshine? It always seems to make everyone so much brighter - pun intended!

Shedding light on things seems to be the ongoing theme as more and more revelations appear to be bubbling to the surface in the global arena. What has caught your attention lately?

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? Are you doing anything thing out of habit, or maybe a sense of duty?

Our Community Coordinator Layla has been reflecting on her actions:

"There have been times in the past where I would agree to do certain things because I felt that I should or that it was what was expected from me, even though my heart was not in to the task.

Recently, I have been questioning my actions

and my reasons for doing them".

The practice of contemplation is touched upon briefly in our Divine feminine discussion this week by our special guest. In this eighth episode of 'Divine Cuppa', the Vibrate Higher team are delighted to be joined by :Katrina-Jean: of the Empowering Small Business group.

:Katrina-Jean: is one of our guest speakers in our upcoming workshop entitled 'Enslavement & Entrapment; Free Your Mind, Just Say No!'...

In this conversation you are given a taste of what will be covered in our next event - slavery has many facades!

Click on the video below to watch this episode.

As we are all feeling the need for liberation on many levels, we each reflect on what Sovereignty means to us individually.

Deniz also introduces us to some exciting developments in how the 'Discovering You' programme will be offered, with the intention to benefit everyone in the community.

Click on the link above to find out more.

Are you ready to take a HUGE LEAP forward?

The 'Discovering You' series includes a further five workshops.

Our second workshop is entitled Enslavement and Entrapment.

You want to don't miss out on the practical knowledge and direction to be gained from this online session on Saturday 12 June at 2pm.

Workshop timetable

13:45 Music Energy Elevation

14:00 Welcome with Deniz, Vibrate Higher

14:15 From Fear to Freedom! with Tahra, Freedom Festival

14:45 Music break

15:00 Slavery and The System with :Katrina: Empowering Small Businesses

15:30 The Crown Corporation and Global Control with  :Vanessa-Mary: Vibrate Higher

16:00 Questions

16:30 Closing thoughts & Meditation

Check out the programme now

Standing in your sovereignty is a daily choice divine soul.

We are not destined to be slaves of corrupt criminals and satanists. We are not born to be slaves, but to be Queens and Empresses who serve humanity with our gifting, resources and love.

The power to question is the basis of all human progress.

~ Indira Gandhi

We have developed a Sovereign Savvy System to help you navigate your way. The 'Vibrate Higher' team and community will help you to learn ideas and solutions to boost your confidence.

You will be supported as you discover new ways to create your own world.

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Much Love,


 ๐Ÿ’œ Deniz, Layla, Suzie & Vanessa ๐Ÿ’œ

About Us

Vibrate Higher is a team of self-development, wellness and empowerment professionals on a mission to support humanity to reach its full potential.

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