Subject: 💜 The Deception Starts at Birth! 💜

  Are you feeling divided?

Greetings Divine Soul,

How's it going?

If you look at what our reality seems to be presenting to us through the speaking piece that is the media, it would seem that we have more choice of things to be fearful of on the menu of possibilities now; a new strain of illness and the potential 'shedding' of those that have opted to take the jab that is being widely promoted, amongst other continued threats to our wellbeing.

How do you feel about these new developments? Has it impacted your life in any way? Has it made you think twice about spending time with family and friends?

I stopped tuning into the news a while back when I learned of how broadcasters were given a script of what to cover in their news items for the day in order to portray certain people, places or events in a particular way so as to push an agenda or influence the thinking and perception of the public. This would then be parroted across multiple platforms using key buzzwords or phrases, e.g. 'war on terror', with the intention of penetrating the psyche of those listening and reinforcing what they were presenting through repetition.

The general theme of things usually incorporates an element of fear and division of the people... 'Divide and conquer' seems to be the key strategy to retain control. Imagine if all the people were to come together and stand united, what a force that would be! What would you be willing to stand for?

If you need someone to exchange experiences with reply to this email to let us know your thoughts. Much Love.

Layla, Community Co-coordinator

This week's 'Divine Cuppa' the Vibrate Higher team discuss the creation of the Corpus and the deception that occurs at birth. You can find out more about the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 by visiting this link that was shared in our first workshop:

You can listen to the fourth episode by clicking onto the video below. This week Deniz, Layla and Suzie join me to discuss how the system regards us as dead bodies at sea as we reflect on the section 'Meet you Legal Fiction' covered in our April workshop, 'Healing the Chaos and Confusion; Mindset, Body & Soul.'

About the 'Discovering You' Series

The 'Discovering You' series includes a further five workshops.

Our second workshop entitled Enslavement and Entrapment - don't miss this online session on Saturday 12 June at 2pm.

Individual seminar style workshops are priced at £75.00 per session and includes:

  1. One to one Clarity Call so you can focus on shifting your mindset

  2. Online Q&A Implementation Coaching sessions twice a month

  3. Access to a private Telegram group where you can network with other women within the community.

Annual Membership Open

6 MONTH Payment Plans Available

Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused with the ongoing drama of global events?

Are seeking to expand your knowledge so you can start to comprehend the layers of deception presented by the existing 'System' over many centuries?

The Vibrate Higher community will help you to learn ideas and solutions so you can boost your confidence as a sovereign soul.

Become a Founding Member Today!

Our Raise Your Vibration membership is priced at ONLY £295!!

If you would like to be fully supported as you seek progressive solutions within a constantly changing political environment.


The membership includes BONUSES WORTH £378

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If you are fed up with the depths of control external sources are having on your life. Don't wait for permission to live your divine life. If you want to fight the fear and propaganda you need knowledge to become your powerful tool.

We have developed a solid framework to help you navigate your way. The 'Vibrate Higher' community will help you to learn ideas and solutions to boost your confidence. You will be supported as you discover new ways to create your own world.

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Much Love,


 ðŸ’œ Deniz, Layla, Suzie & Vanessa 💜

About Us

Vibrate Higher is a team of self-development, wellness and empowerment professionals on a mission to support humanity to reach its full potential.

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