Subject:ย ๐Ÿ’œ Know Thyself ๐Ÿ’œ

Comprehending Your Soul Blueprint

Greetings Divine Soul,

How are you?

We hope you're having a great start to your week. Just a quick email to share another episode of our Sunday chats.

Divine Cuppa episode ten builds on our last conversation by focusing on the topic of how to keep your emotions in a high vibration during these times of confusion, deception and chaos. In this chat, Deniz, Suzie and Vanessa-Mary: discuss the Soul Blueprint and other topics.

Do you know your divine purpose? How are you navigating your daily co-creation with the Higher Consciousnesses and your inner being?

In this episode we also make reference to a website for direction on our Galactic Signatures. If you would like to know more about the energy of the day you were born on see the 13moon,com/decoder page here

Click on the video below to watch this episode Your Soul Blueprint

"What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room"

Ray Charles

Workshop Replay Now Available

The 'Discovering You' series is six workshops, group coaching and much more! Our second workshop is entitled Enslavement and Entrapment.

If you're searching for discovery for truth and divine freedom. This workshop will help you to unlock keys within the deep hidden chest of truths, lies and deception. 

You want to don't miss out on the practical knowledge and direction to be gained from this online session on.

You can now gain instant access to the replay of the workshop by becoming a Founding Member. Clicking on the button for more details our low cost private member's benefits.

Access the replay now

Finally, just to remind you of the weekly chats are taking place in the Telegram Group community every Friday and Sunday from 20:30 until 22:30. The conversations are focused the following topics:

  • Gratitude

  • How to keep your vibration HIGH

  • Observing the Moon Cycles

  • Intentions for the week ahead

  • Emotional Education

We are working with others to develop a Sovereign Savvy System to help you navigate your way. The 'Vibrate Higher' team, our guest contributors and the divine feminine community will help you to learn ideas and solutions to boost your confidence.

Remember, you are not reading this message by coincidence. Join us today, as a Founding Member.  We are here for you and will support you as you discover new ways to create your own world.

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Much Love,


 ๐Ÿ’œ Deniz, Layla, Suzie & Vanessa ๐Ÿ’œ

 Join Our Telegram Network


About Us

Vibrate Higher is a team of self-development, wellness and empowerment professionals on a mission to support humanity to reach its full potential.

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