Subject:ย ๐Ÿ’œ How much is too much?๐Ÿ’œ

Remember You

Have a Choice!

Greetings Divine Soul,

How have you been spending your time?

They say that the truth is stranger than fiction! The levels of confusion, misinformation and conjecture being circulated at this time in the general populace does not seem to be easing up.

Have you reached saturation point yet? Do you find the information overwhelming at times?

In our inner circle we've talked about how the last few months have been an excellent training ground for us to fine-tune our discernment. This is helping us to identify, with increasing clarity, what rings true in the quagmire of information that seeks to bombards us daily.

As is usually the case, some of this refinement came in the form of challenging life lessons, for which we are grateful.

What have the last few months taught you about yourself?... The people around you?... The world you are living in?

In our fifth 'Divine Cuppa' episode, the Vibrate Higher team explore how we are born into bondage. We also discuss the deception that occurs unwittingly at birth with the capitalisation of your surname.

Click the arrow below to watch or listen to this fascinating episode.

The Vibrate Higher team also share our feelings, thoughts and experiences of receiving and giving money to others. We also talk about the meaning of abundance.

Are you aware of how the economic system depends on your servitude? Click on the video above to listen in on our conversation as we reflect on the section 'Money is Your Bond' which was covered in our first workshop, 'Healing the Chaos and Confusion; Mindset, Body & Soul.'

Are you registered yet?

The 'Discovering You' series includes a further five workshops.

Our second workshop will show you how the Enslavement and Entrapment of the masses began. Don't miss this online session on Saturday 12 June at 2pm.

We have produced a new Resource Guide for you - '12 (shocking) Presumptions of Court'.

To download the guide, check out the programme of our next workshop.

Check out the programme now

If you are ready to start break from the entrapment plan. You will be shocked by the depth of the deception and social programming.

Information has been hidden to keep you from discovering the truth. Therefore, further study is required on your part.

If you are seeking a safe place to talk about your emotions as you leave the old ways behind stay connected with us.

We have developed a Sovereign Savvy System to help you navigate your way. The 'Vibrate Higher' team and community will help you to learn ideas and solutions to boost your confidence.

You will be supported as you discover new ways to create your own world.

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Much Love,


 ๐Ÿ’œ Deniz, Layla, Suzie & Vanessa ๐Ÿ’œ

About Us

Vibrate Higher is a team of self-development, wellness and empowerment professionals on a mission to support humanity to reach its full potential.

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