Subject: 💜 Are you ready to start speaking differently? 💜

How Do Words Have Power?

Greetings Divine Soul,

We hope you have had a fabulous week enjoying the warmer weather.


Today we're sharing Divine Cuppa episode 6.  In this conversation we talk about how spells have been cast upon the world. 



You might be saying to yourself…


Yes. We are talking about the use of the English language. In our chat we bring awareness to everyday language that we use. Then we look at the original meanings of commonly used words and discuss how we unknowingly use them to cast spells.


When you are creating a new world you need to be aware that everything even the words you use can render you powerless.

Click on the video below to watch this episode.

Did you know what you say or don’t say is communicated through your emotions from your energy field? We all have energy and everything has a frequency. Even your house has a frequency that it emits.

Think about this. What are you communicating to the Universe on a daily basis that you are conscious of? Now think about what you are communicating that you are completely unaware of.


This is a fascinating conversation and one we are trying as a collective to get our heads around because we have been conditioned so much we still use these words by accident.


This will give you an idea how we are all really enslaved.


Knowledge is power.


Let us keep opening our eyes to the truth together.

Are you registered yet?

The 'Discovering You' series includes a further five workshops.

Our second workshop is entitled Enslavement and Entrapment.

You want to don't miss out on the practical knowledge and direction to be gained from this online session on Saturday 12 June at 2pm.

We will have two fantastic speakers with us to contribute and share their knowledge with you.

The session starts with the amazing Tahra, from The Freedom Festival who will give a talk on 'From Fear to Freedom'.

Then we'll have the incredible :Katrina-Jean: from the Empowering Small Businesses community. This session is entitled 'Slavery and The System'.

Finally, our visionary Co-Founder :Vanessa-Mary: will talk about the Crown Corporation and Global Control.

Check out the programme now

As you navigate further towards the truth you will see how many things you have learnt (or have been programmed to think) are no longer valid. You will have to stay open minded and be prepared to undertake further study.

We have developed a Sovereign Savvy System to help you navigate your way. The 'Vibrate Higher' team and community will help you to learn ideas and solutions to boost your confidence.

You will be supported as you discover new ways to create your own world.

We look forward to being a part of your journey.

Much Love,


 ðŸ’œ Deniz, Layla, Suzie & Vanessa 💜

About Us

Vibrate Higher is a team of self-development, wellness and empowerment professionals on a mission to support humanity to reach its full potential.

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