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Your webinar download link and slides,Friend

April 2nd, 2021 at 10:24 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Friday to you! Thanks SO MUCH for signing up to our Webinar on Cat Health and Nutrition- we had a record OVER 1200 clients sign up :-) If you have submitted a question, I'll be replying by Monday I encourage you to ...

[Cat person?] One more chance..

March 31st, 2021 at 10:12 am EST

Hello Friend, Yesterday we had my NEW Natural Cat Health and Nutrition Webinar with a record over 1000 signups! If you have questions about your cat's health, now is the time to sign up... there was many a cat question on yesterday's webinar, but unf ...

Thanks for signing up, Friend

March 31st, 2021 at 9:58 am EST

Hello Friend, Thanks again for signing up to our Cat Health and Nutrition Webinar that we held yesterday. We had a record over 1000 signups! Hoping that you had your questions answered, and you learned something new about how to best help your cat... ...

[Nearly at max attendees] Free Cat Webinar

March 29th, 2021 at 11:14 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to's supposedly spring, but I am looking at this out the window.. and as you can see Murray the cat is NONE to impressed :-( ...

Urinary Tract Disease Answers

March 25th, 2021 at 9:12 am EST

Hello Friend, Welcome to Thursday! I hear A LOT about urine.. as in Urinary Tract Disease is soo common, especially in our cats It just so happens that I am having a NEW Free Feline Webinar.. What you NEED to know about Cat Food and my most CURRENT a ...

[Cat Webinar] What to Feed, What to AVOID

March 23rd, 2021 at 12:52 pm EST

Hello Friend, A cheery Tuesday to you! The entire food thing can be sooo confusing.. Feed this.. DON'T feed this.. ?? Don't know WHERE to start or who to believe? How about my NEW Free Feline Webinar... It is happening in 7 is covering all ...

Ear mites? Do this..

March 19th, 2021 at 11:04 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, Welcome to Friday! If you are a cat person, and more importantly have been using my supplement, Ultimate Feline Health Formula, good news as it isnow back in stock :-) It's here  This is what ...

KEY Nutrient for Dog Health

March 17th, 2021 at 10:58 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Wednesday to you! As you may or may not know, I have a Newish Supplement for dogs, Ultimate Canine ADVANCED Health Formula.. It now has 95% curcumin, which can be VERY helpful for skin disorders, joint support, to ...

Natural Ways to STOP Fleas!

March 15th, 2021 at 11:21 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, A cheery Monday to you! Fleas are kind of like the house guests that just WON'T leave... You try and say it nicely, but they are staying.. You'd rather not kill another living creature..but they just don't get it.. So WHAT t ...

What to Inspect When You’re Expecting a Puppy or Kitten

March 12th, 2021 at 11:45 am EST

View onlineHello Friend, Welcome to Friday. YAY we made it :-) Some weeks are fast...some slow... and some are best to end In the vein of looking forward, may I suggest that you check out my EFA supplement, Dr Jones' ULTIMATE Omega 3 Formula for Dog ...

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