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[DrAndrew] Fungal toxins ALLOWED to be in your pet's food

December 20th, 2011 at 4:39 am EDT

Hello and Good morning fellow readers. The cake baking went well yesterday, albeit being a tad dry...that of course was remedied with my overwhelming personality :-)Today's newsletter is about a toxin that the regulatory agencies ALLOW to be in your ...

Feeling that your veterinary charges are too high?

December 19th, 2011 at 11:12 am EDT

Hi Friend,Feeling that your veterinary charges are too high?I recently posted an article on the top 5 ways to DRAMATICALLY lower them.http://www.theinternetpetvet.comBest WishesDr Andrew JP.S. I would appreciate any comments :-)P.P.S. It's my wife, C ...

Home Remedy Story- Special OVER at MIDNIGHT

December 16th, 2011 at 4:04 am EDT

Hello and Good Morning fellow pet advocate..My Holiday Bonuses and 60% OFF Veterinary Secrets Revealed Special ENDS tonight at midnight.For being a subscriber you get my New FREE video and special report on HOW to start Healing your pet at home with ...

I am now getting just how expensive it can be...

December 15th, 2011 at 3:39 am EDT

A cheery Thursday to you.There is ONLY 48 hours left in the 60% OFF Veterinary Secrets Revealed Special.And IF you are looking for a last minute gift, this could be it..( or even better yet, treat yourself :-) )http://www.veterinarysecretsrevealed.c ...

[DrAndrew] Do this FIRST to Treat Your Pets At Home

December 13th, 2011 at 3:44 am EDT

There are 4 days left in my BIGGEST ever giveaway, and Veterinary Secrets Manual Special. Care For Your Pet At Home -Treat Illnesses Confidently And CompetentlySimple Techniques And Inexpensive Na ...

[DrAndrew] NEW Free Video for you, Friend

December 12th, 2011 at 4:20 am EDT

I just finished a NEW video and SPECIAL report.It will be for sale, but in the next 5 days it's FREE for you..for being a subscriber: Video is: How to Start Healing Your Dogs and Cats At Home with Na ...

Most common reason cats go to the vet

December 9th, 2011 at 5:01 am EDT

Hi Friend,The MOST common reason that cat owners seek out veterinary care is for this:Frequently urinating, blood in urine, and having a recurring problem with bladder infections- this condition is now known as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.Ther ...

[DrAndrew] Visiting my Mom ( with pics)

December 8th, 2011 at 5:52 am EDT

Hello and Good morning fellow readers.I am returning from a very short visit seeing my mom at her extended care home in Salmon Arm, and then seeing my brother Ian and his family.On the trip I went with my daughter Aliza, along with my 2 faithful dogs ...

Seizures In Dogs: The 5 Most Important Natural Remedies

December 6th, 2011 at 2:00 am EDT

Seizures in dogs are becoming increasingly common, but are you aware of some of the alternative options?Here are my top 5 holistic solutions:http://www.theinternetpetvet.comBest Wishes, Dr Andrew JDISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purpo ...

Dog Theft or Charitable Rescue?

December 5th, 2011 at 4:17 am EDT

A cheery Monday to you, If you didn't see this on Friday, you still have time:You can win my Manual, Veterinary Secrets Revealed, by answering a question here: Theft or Charitabl ...

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