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Dog food salmonella recall expanded in U.S., Canada

May 8th, 2012 at 8:18 am EDT

Hello Friend,News of an expanding pet food recall that has caused illness in people is a cause for concern. Fortunately this is VERY uncommon, but does highlight the ongoing concerns about food safety for your pets.My ongoing advice is to learn as mu ...

What Vet School Taught Me About Nutrition

May 7th, 2012 at 5:25 am EDT

Hello Friend,A happy Monday to you and your pets.This is ALL that I was taught aboutNutrition in Veterinary School..The space was intentionally left blank.I learned NOTHING.The single most important secret to maintaining health andpreventing disease ...

What Every Cat Owner Needs To Know About Cat Vaccines

May 4th, 2012 at 9:05 am EDT

Hello Friend,A cheery Friday to you and your pets.Many questions arise about cat vaccines. Are vaccines needed every year, and what are the risks associated with vaccines?What exactly is an advised and safe vaccine protocol for my cat? Are there natu ...

Free Dog and Cat Health Webinars

May 3rd, 2012 at 5:17 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, A cheery Thursday to you and your pets.I have a few presentations that you should watch ...

Dog Shock Collar Video

May 2nd, 2012 at 5:19 am EDT

Hi Friend,Ever thought of using a shock collar on your poorly behaved dog?This is a bad idea, and not only can these harm your pet, they can also make their behavior worse.RightDoing the exact opposite that you want.This video shows you why they don' ...

Jessie gets HIVES

May 1st, 2012 at 4:46 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, So where should YOU start with at home pet health care?My NEW videoHow to Start Healing ...

[Expanded] Pet Food Recall

April 30th, 2012 at 5:37 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend, This is an updated pet food recall. I have discussed this topic many times, and I want ...

What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know About Dog Vaccination

April 27th, 2012 at 5:34 am EDT

Hello Friend,What are the real risks of vaccination? What is a safe, advised vaccine protocol for your dog? Are there alternate options to conventional dog vaccines? Get the answers in my new article:http://www.theinternetpetvet.comHeal Your Pets At ...

Advil for dogs?

April 26th, 2012 at 5:29 am EDT

See subscription information below. BOOK | ULTIMATE CANINE | ULTIMATE FELINE | INNER CIRCLE | BLOG | CONTACT Hi Friend,I have been asked many times if it is OK to use Advil (Ibuprofen). IN fact a few of you ...

Avocados Stopping Arthritis Pain in Pets?

April 25th, 2012 at 5:34 am EDT

Hi Friend,First a BIG Thanks for being a subscriber!I appreciate you as a reader, and especially the feedback that I get from my stories.Arthritis is one of the MOST common dog and cat health conditions- but I am really AMAZED at how many Natural Opt ...

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